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"You suck" James said to Sirius as the two of them smoked a cigarette outside. Skylar was showing off her ring to Lily, Remus was in the room while she talked about it and so was Peter. Skylar debated only showing Lily, but Remus had been the biggest advocate for their relationship for years. Even if she felt different about his choices, she still wanted him to be a part of her moment. Skylar didn't show Peter for any reason other than proving how committed Sirius was to her. If what Sirius said was true, that Peter was intimidated by the idea of her replacing him, she wanted him to see how true that statement was. It might not have been if Peter had stayed a good friend, but he did too much for the group to enjoy his presence any longer. Skylar thought of how Sirius and James were still plotting to kill Peter, their main priorities were keeping their partner's safe. If Peter was going to continue to bring a risk to them, it would be unanimous. He would be dead by their hands.

"Come again?" Sirius said, taking a long drag of his smoke. The weather was warm, a light breeze moved the cloud of burnt cigarette around the two friends.

"You suck" James repeated.

"Elaborate" Sirius said, tapping the end of his cigarette on the ground.

"We're supposed to have a double wedding, now I have to pray Lily accepts my proposal" James said flicking his cigarette onto the ground.

Sirius rolled his eyes, getting up he grabbed James' piece and his own throwing both into the outside trash.
"I'm not waiting around anymore. I'm going to marry her today, you're going to be my best man and Lily will be her maid of honor. We're going to get married in front of our friends and that's all" Skylar and Sirius wanted an intimate wedding. Neither having family they wanted to invite, the ones inside the cottage minus Peter were the only people they cared about. The only ones they wanted to see their special day.

"I get it" James said getting off the step leading to the cottage. "I have a ring for Lily, it's a family piece that was passed down to me for luck or something" he shrugged his shoulder. "If she accepts the proposal, I'm going to do the same today. I know I joke about the double wedding, but that's not the only reason I want to follow your steps" James lit another cigarette, Sirius followed suit. "I don't want to miss the opportunity to marry the girl I love. I feel terrible for Moony, he lost the love of his life. If that happened to me before I was able to express how much Lily meant to me...I would be stuck in the afterworld with regrets. I don't want to regret anything"

"You aren't worried that she'll think it's less special because of what I did this morning?" Sirius asked.

"There is that risk, but I truly can't see myself with anyone else. It's always been Lily, even when I dated other girls I only ever thought of her. The way she smiles, the color of her wine hair, her soft eyes...I saw her in every girl" James went on about his love for his girlfriend, Sirius was starting to see how it looked from the outside. How he acted with Skylar. "I'm so madly in love with her, I just want to marry Lily and feel complete"

"I'll marry you" Lily said, scaring the smoking duo. Sirius and James turned around and saw both Skylar and Lily at the door, Lily with tears in her eyes and Skylar with a beautiful smile. Skylar walked over to Sirius and sat on his lap, watching as her best friends expressed their love for one another.

"I have a ring, it's inside" James said getting on one knee. He looked around and found an elastic band that was on the ground. He put the piece of trash on Lily's finger. "It's metaphorical" he said as Lily laughed hysterically. "Lily Evans, will you marry me"

"I couldn't imagine a better person to have at my side" Lily said. Yesterday when James saved her from being hurt, she understood his dedication to her. He was willing to die for Lily, putting his life after hers. "I love you, I will marry you"

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