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Skylar transformed immediately when her feet landed on the cold ground. No one was around her yet, she was able to hide her identity. Thinking about it, she realized she should have done so before apparating to the location. Sirius and Marlene, then Liam, she was too distracted to think clearly about the mission. Skylar began walking towards a large black manor, taking long deep breaths the walk there. She was going to see a lot of people she didn't like. Rowan escaped, she knew he would be here. Liam apparated before her, there was no way he wasn't here as well.
The building was different than the one she vaguely remembered being at before, but the style was similar enough. The hedges leading to the manor were just above Skylar's head, trimmed back neatly she knew this was the work of elves. She pitied those who were forced to work for this group, she knew there was no kindness in the way there were treated here. Not that a lot of houses did right for their help, but in this case she wondered if it was a deadly environment to be in. A black gate with a large letter M was closing in on Skylar, the gate looked to be locked but there was a male standing guard at the entrance. Upon closer investigation, Skylar noticed it was Barty Crouch Jr. She found it amusing that his part in the group was gate keeper, thinking how she would tell her friends and Sirius later about the male's poor luck.
"Name" he said bored, paying attention to his nails more than her.

"Tessa Banks" Skylar had to think of a good enough story to pass through, something she also didn't give herself enough time to discover. "I was marked last year and I am finally free to join" she showed her mark to Barty, the snake twisted on her arm as he looked at the tattoo. She wondered if he was able to see the way it moved, she knew none of her friends or Sirius could. She refrained from asking, hoping to see someone else's and watch for moment that way.

"Go in" Barty said "if you get bored, I'll be here all night" he said winking as she walked by.
Skylar winked back, feeling disgusted with herself but playing a new role was going to feel that way. If she imagined every male she flirted her way to in this depressing location was Sirius it would make her time easier. Though no one compared to the feeling she felt with him. Still kicking herself for not knowing he was a fake that time in school, she didn't feel her body tingle like it did when he was near here. She was never going to let that happen again, she was going to be smarter from here on.
The manor was tall, extremely so. Skylar felt like the clouds mixed with the tall spikes on the roof, maybe it was just fog or some sort of enchantment to keep others out. The windows were blacked out with curtains, Skylar wondered if during the day it wasn't so haunting. "Go on in" Barty said again. Skylar looked behind to see who was being let in after her, though she wished she hadn't. Regulus was walking her way, eyes focused on the building in front of them. Regulus looked unwell, almost as bad as she had after being released. His face was sunken in, hair a total mess with pieces broken where it looked like he had pulled them out. His outfit was sharp, all black. Skylar looked down at her outfit, she was still wearing the same piece that matched Sirius. Skylar wanted to smack her forehead, being so impatient she didn't think of how this would make her look. If she had to guess, everyone wore all black in there manor. She would stick out, when she wanted to blend in.

Skylar didn't realize she hadn't moved until he bumped into her, Regulus was distracted as well.
"Sorry" Skylar said, rubbing her shoulder were his bony body had smacked into her.

"Watch it" Regulus snapped out. He continued walking, Skylar felt her heart shattering as jet close friend walked into his demise. She wanted  to run up to him and take him away from this hell, but that wasn't her job. The boy who didn't have a choice walked into the building that opened and closed seemingly on its on.

"Don't mind Black there" Barty said coming up to Skylar. He put his hand on her face, tracing the line of her harsh jaw. "He's quite nasty" if rotten flesh had a human form, Skylar thought Barty was that. His face was greasy, making her skin crawl as he took his finger and trailed a line of his filth onto her skin. He smiled with his yellow crooked teeth, the smell was putrid enough to make her eyes burn.

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