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Skylar looked at them, waiting for their secrets first. She was still apprehensive about involving the chaotic group in her matter with Rowan but she would keep her end of the deal if they kept theirs.

No one said anything at first, all parties waiting for one of them to start. Remus took a deep breath, as if readying himself for a revolutionary secret. Skylar eagerly awaited what was coming.
"I'm a werewolf" he said, clasping his chest like it took the wind out of him to say those words out loud.

"Yeah I knew that" Skylar said rolling her eyes but smiling still

"Well my only secret is out" he said leaning back on his elbows.

James broke the silence next
"My nickname is Prongs because I'm an unregistered animagus"
Sirius knew his turn was coming, he just wasn't ready for it yet so he let James continue to talk while he grew courage to talk about his secret.

"Oh?" Skylar said curiously "what animal do you turn into?"

"A stag" he said confidently "it's pretty cool I would show you now but the room isn't big enough for my antlers" he winked at her

"I'm an animagus too" Sirius said, heart beating quickly. If he didn't get it out now, he would chicken out.

"You all learned how to be animagus? That's amazing" she said smiling "when? Why?"

"When we found out that Moony was a werewolf we felt bad that he was alone during his transformations. We devised a plan with Peter as well, to learn how to be animagus. Werewolves won't go after another animal and with Padfoot and my transformation we were big enough that we could handle Moony if he went off the rocker" James said

"That's amazing, was it difficult?" She asked the group "I've read on the subject plenty of times, it seemed complicated"

"Yeah well you have to carry a mandrake leaf in your mouth for an entire MONTH for the process to work. It stinks in case you were wondering" James said shivering from the memory

"Lily was even more repulsed by him during that time" Remus said chuckling

"Oh I remember that!" Skylar said "she said it smelt like you needed to visit a muggle doctor called a dentist for your bad teeth"

James' face washed of all its color
"Oh Godric that's embarrassing"

"So what do you turn into?" She asked Sirius who was uncharacteristic in his silence

"Can I show you?" He asked cautiously

Skylar's eyebrows scrunched up
"If you're big enough to handle a werewolf can you really fit in this room?"

He smiled softly

"Ok" Skylar said excited to see his transformation. Then she wasn't.
She watched as the male who made her feel safe, turned into something that was out of her nightmares.
Sirius transformed into a large black dog, furry and as menacing as the ones from her childhood.
Skylar began backing up in fear, her heart was racing out of her chest. She had no words.

James and Remus looked at her pained. They saw Sirius laid down on the ground, trying to look as gentle as he could but it didn't help her panic attack.
He started to inch closer, softly whining, but she backed up into the wall, tears falling down her cheeks.
"Stop please" she begged, eyes closed now. Her hands went to her face and knees pulled up to her chest, she was guarding herself from him.

Skylar could tell Sirius was in pain from seeing her reaction, but she couldn't help her anxiety from appearing. His tail wasn't wagging, his body was as low to the ground as he could get but no matter how small he tried to make himself look he was exactly what her boggart turned into.

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