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Sirius stayed the entire day, waiting outside of Skylar's dorm room. The sadness he felt for his girlfriend deepened as no one else came to check on her. Every time he was faced with how little support she had in her own house, it broke him. Not even her head of house checked on her, if this was McGonagall she would have checked on Sirius the first missed lesson.
"Skylar please let me in" he tried again. He wasn't sure if it was his mind playing tricks on him or if he was truly hearing what was happening, but he heard the sound of Skylar sobbing on the opposite side of the door. "Sky, darling please open the door"

"Leave me alone" Skylar said through her hyperventilating. "You broke up with me, you told me Im too much of a mess. That I'm bad luck"

Sirius' body stiffened. The stinging of his own eyes ceased as his entire body electrified.
"What did you say?" He asked again, as quiet as he could be even though he wanted to yell it out. Why would she say that? He thought to himself. Sirius never thought those words, never spoke them out loud. He would cease to exist before he ended things with Skylar.

"Don't make me repeat it" Skylar said back. Sirius heard her moving away from the door.

"Skylar, I didn't say any of that. You were the one who broke up with me? You told me it was my fault that you were poisoned. You told me that I couldn't protect you and I was to blame" Sirius heard her feet moving back to the door. His body fell through an opening as Skylar opened her bedroom to invite him in finally.

"I would never blame you for that, what are you talking about??" She demanded. Sirius moved to be in her bedroom as she shut the door behind his body. Sirius took the cloak off and saw the state she had been living in for days. Plates of untouched food laid scattered on the floor. Her bed looked to be the only thing she had interacted with, Shadow laid by her pillow. The cat curled into a ball and then stretched each limb out before greeting Sirius.
Sirius looked at Skylar next, even with just days of missing food she looked too thin. Her face was sunken in, hair brown lacking the red life she was blessed with. Her eyes were far from the sea color he loved, replaced with an almost white shade. Similar to how they looked when she was dying on the hospital bed. Sirius couldn't look at the state she was in without thinking of that night. He hadn't seen her since, wishing he was with her when she woke instead of what really went on.

"You met me by the dungeons and told me off" Sirius wanted to touch Skylar, to hold her close, but he wasn't sure if she wanted that back. So he stood in front of her, thankful enough that she let him in her room.

"No I didn't. I woke up and you were walking into the hospital wing. Then you broke up with me and kicked me away" Skylar said lifting her shirt to show the bruise from where his imposter's foot collided with her body. Sirius went to touch her body, inspect the bruise but she moved away.

"Skylar that wasn't me" Sirius said, holding himself in. "I never made it back to the hospital wing"

"We were set up" Skylar said, sitting down on her bed. She started sniffling as tears poured down her broken face. "Someone pretended to be us..."

Sirius sat in front of Skylar, hands on her knees as she let out emotions she refused to feel all weekend. He placed his hands around her face, forehead to her own.
"I would never tell you that you're bad luck"

"H-He told me" Skylar sniffled, trying to reel herself back in. "That you didn't want to marry me anymore" lip quivering, Sirius continued to hold her face to his own. How someone other than James knew that was beyond him, Sirius thought of all the people who were at the fire pit who might have over heard the conversation. He also played with the idea that she mentioned it first, either way it was something she thought only Sirius would use against her.

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Where stories live. Discover now