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Good news was bad news for Skylar, as she listened to the story she felt her body fevering. She kept her trembling hands on her lap as Voldemort explained the message he had received. Food was placed in front of the group, none ate. Skylar saw wine was served, none drank it. She noticed the queue would be when Voldemort himself gave permission to feast.
"Liam Miller has successfully found the Order's meeting location. He lead a team and infiltrated the building they were occupying. He was met with resistance, though his team was able to injury a few they all escaped with their lives...for now. The list among the injured are Alice Longbottom, Edgar Bones, Rubeus Hagrid, Benji Fenwick and Sirius Black" the room clapped, yelled out their excitement over the achievement all while Skylar couldn't even think clearly. Her heart was beating in her throat, Sirius was injured and she was here instead of beside him. Voldemort said none were life threatening. He said they got away. Things she had to remind herself as the room continued through their excitement. "I don't know why you are all happy about this news, sure a few claps would suffice but to act like this is a huge win is foolish" the room quieted once more. A small group of death eaters walked into the room, Liam was one of them. Skylar was using all of her control to keep her emotions in check, to not have a slip up of her powers. She knew the moment she stopped concentrating, her hair would turn bright red along with her eyes. Her brother walked into the room and casually took the seat in front of her.

Liam looked directly at Skylar, then to Rowan.
"Almost got him" Liam said to the male beside her. "He's tricky"

"Was she there?" Rowan asked. She knew he was speaking of her, of the real her.

"Nope" Liam said taking his knife and stabbing the table. "He wouldn't tell me where she was either, gotta admit even the strongest of wizards break under the cruciatus curse. You would have loved to see how he twitched on the ground, it didn't last long though. That fucking Potter kid got me good. He shoved his whole body weight into me, knocking me over and breaking my concentration"

"So they're hiding her?" Rowan said, Skylar could hear his aggravation in the words he spoke.

"Seems like it" Liam said.

"She will be with us, patience is key to winning wars. You'll have your sister, you'll have your half blooded girlfriend back" Voldemort said, Skylar looked down at the plate, concentrating on the small crack in the top of her dish to hold herself in place. "Her Metamorphmagus powers are the only reason I am allowing the mating of you two"

Skylar felt her stomach nauseate.
"I thank you for your understanding my Lord" Rowan said.

"Is the food bad?? Why are none of you enjoying it yet" Voldemort snapped out. Skylar saw one male at the end begin to eat, a mistake on his part. The large snake slithered up Voldemort's chair and went straight for the male eating his meal. The snake began attacking his face, blood spilled over the table and into the food across from the attacked. Skylar kept her face neutral, but she was sick about the situation. She wanted to help the man, but remembering he was a death eater stopped her hand. "Oh that's why, I haven't given permission" Voldemort said slyly "Bella, how are you?"

Bellatrix, sitting beside Liam now, looked dreamily at Voldemort.
"My Lord I am well" she said flipping her hair to the side. Skylar felt like at one point Voldemort might have been nice to look at, now he was as deranged as Bellatrix. Even more so than her.

"Good to hear, I would like you to be the next one leading a raid with Liam" Voldemort said "you're expertise on cruelty will be needed"

Skylar made a mental note of that information, her specialty and that she was going to participate next. Skylar was worried about Sirius, he was tortured for information but didn't give any out. As proud as she was for his show of strength, she was even more so worried. Skylar thanked her lucky stars that James was there, that he wouldn't let Sirius suffer.
"We haven't met yet" Liam said, bringing the attention back to Skylar.

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