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Skylar sat with Rowan on the way back to Kings Crossing. She had no choice in the matter. After the party incident he brought her back to the common room and passed out on his bed. She was with him when he woke up the following morning, hungover. Skylar was afraid to leave his bed in the middle of the night so there she stayed. She summoned him a cup of water but didn't offer much help after that. She was still processing the way he handled her the night prior. She was silent the entire morning at breakfast and the entire ride so far to the train station.

Quill, Adrian, Rowan, Avis, all sat around her in the compartment talking amongst each other not extending the conversation to her. She wasn't sure if they knew how bad Rowan got when he was intoxicated, but she was positive that they didn't care. If anything they edged him on more. Feeding off each other's brutality.

Skylar was going to see her brother on holiday. She wasn't going to let Rowan ruin that for her too. He would be in America and she would be in England.
She had no plans on telling her brother about her relationship. His only option would be to kill him for hurting her and she couldn't let her brother go to Azkaban for that. She was fighting this alone, vowing to not involve anyone else. Including the Maraurders.

When the train ride stopped, Rowan grabbed his own bag and left with his friends who were all going to separate destinations. She heard Quill was going to Bulgaria to visit family and Avis was invited. Adrian was going to France with his siblings. She was so thankful for the time away from them all.

Skylar went to grab her bag but saw Regulus was waiting for her.
"Hey" she said reaching for her bag but he walked in and grabbed it for her. He offered to hold it but she declined his help

"Want to walk out together?" He offered

"Sure, I figured you'd be gone already" she said walking in front of him

"I wanted to wait for you, be sure you got off safely" he said

"Why wouldn't I have?" She questioned

He didn't reply
"I just want to be sure you're ok"

Odd she thought.
Skylar knew Regulus and Rowan weren't friends so she didn't suspect his knowledge of what went on last night. She wasn't sure why he felt the need to stand by her side but she welcomed his presence.

"Is your brother here to get you?" He asked after helping her off the train

"Probably not he's been busy" it wasn't a lie, he really was. He just also wasn't expecting her to come home.

Regulus looked over her shoulder and softly smiled
"Well you're about to be in better hands, so I must be off. Have a good few weeks ok?" He kissed the side of her face and walked off towards a fireplace that was used in the floo network.

Skylar looked to where his eyes had traveled and saw James and Sirius walking her way. Remus would have already went to find his father and Peter she didn't know or care what he went to do. She looked around for Rowan, being sure he was gone before they approached.

Sirius hasn't spoke to her in days, the longest he's kept himself from speaking to his favorite red head. He wanted to give her space and himself it too but couldn't help but follow her around when she was alone. He even convinced his brother to keep an eye on her, something he didn't mind doing. Regulus enjoyed her company, something Sirius was jealous of. He was able to spend time with her when she was more vulnerable in the common room, he only got her when her guard was up. He liked to imagine she sat curled in blankets as close to the fire as she could get with a book about the stars captivating her attention. She would be drinking hot tea in sweats with her hair tied out of her face. A look of peace would shadow her freckled face. There she would let her blonde hair go back to red and let her ocean eyes color her world again.

"Where are we taking you?" James asked in greeting

"You're not taking me anywhere" she said confused "I'm going to my apartment"

James looked around the filled train station. Families were picking up their children and elves were there to escort the rich families.
"I don't see your brother, I know he would have shown up already if he was expecting you. Where is he?"

"He's expecting me, he's just busy" she said defensively

"My house is close to your own, we can walk you, really we want to" James tried again

"Please" Sirius said, his first word to her
She looked hesitate, searching the area before landing her eyes on the pair of friends again. Sirius wasn't sure what she was looking for, Rowan was his first thought
"Where's Jackburn?" He asked "figured he'd be tied to your side still"

He saw it then. A moment of panic that she tried to hide but he could see her eyes shift. She still hadn't let her blonde hair and brown eyes go, even with him not near her, but her eyes turned blue momentarily. A pale blue
"He left to go find his family" she said catching herself "he wouldn't like it if he saw you two. Don't follow me" she said grabbing her bag from the ground and making her way to the exit.

James and Sirius sat silent for a moment. Both of them overthinking the encounter they just had with her.
"Was it me or was she afraid to see him?" James asked.

Sirius may be in love with Skylar, but James felt very close to her. One of his best friends.
With his friends he felt overly protective of them, seeing her shaken from a simple question put his intuition into overdrive.

James' voice was dark. Sirius knew his was the same way. Sirius told himself if this day ever came, he would put an end to Rowan.

"Something happened" Sirius said, looking around for Rowan himself "I didn't follow her around last night since Moony and Regulus were with her. They must have seen something"

"They would have told us, right? Moony would have at least" James saw Lily walking towards her family. He walked over to her, Sirius on his tail "Evans"

She looked from her parents to James
"What" she snapped

"What happened last night at the party" Sirius almost demanded

"What do you mean?" She asked back "nothing that I'm aware of"

"Was Skylar acting strange?" James tried

Lily rolled her eyes
"She showed up without Rowan and things were great"
They both waited for her to tell more
"When he did finally arrive he was drunk and acting like a fool. She left without him. That's all I know. Why?" It was her turn to demand

"She's afraid of him now. If he brought harm to her..." Sirius said rage shaking through his body "He'll never know a safe moment in his life again"

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