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The only person who stopped the couple on their way to the tower was Gryffindor's Head of House. Garret McFerry, albino in skin with eyes red like Skylar's hair. He was as friendly as Gryffindor's got, which meant he was full of mischief. His partner was Shyla Kumar, her family moved from India years into her schooling, she began at Hogwarts during her 4th year. Both students brilliant in their own ways.

"Hello Sirius" Shyla said smiling at him

Skylar felt a tinge of jealousy with the way Shyla so casually looked at Sirius. The girl was doing no wrong, Skylar was aware of that point but it didn't matter to her.

"Hey" Sirius responded back, nodding his head towards Garret "weve got notes"

"You know I'm completely blind, think I can get a brail version next time?" Garret said, making Sirius laugh. Skylar didn't want to offend him, not sure if she should laugh as well. If this was someone from her house, it would have been insulting to mock someone's lack of sight. Garret put his hand out to reach for Skylar, Sirius didn't stop him. He lightly touched her shoulder
"Who's with you?" He asked out loud

"Skylar Miller" Shyla said "she's Slytherin"

Skylar didn't feel the need to correct her on her last name. Still not able to process the change herself.

"Oh Skylar, Prefect of your own house correct?" Garret asked

"Yes" Skylar answered

Shyla twisted her head curiously
"What are you doing this high in the castle, Slytherin? Come to torment other students??"

"She's not like the rest of Slytherin, so back off" Sirius said defending Skylar from more taunting

"Doesn't answer my question" Shyla said crossing her arms

Garret touched Shyla's arm
"Let's continue on our patrol" he suggested. Garret wasn't stupid, he knew what Sirius was attempting. Garret was known for taking people into their common room loads of times as well. A terrible Head of House with rules, but everyone loved him so naturally he got the part.

"Don't do anything that'll cost points" Shyla said, losing the casual voice she started with originally

"Have a good night" Garret said hissing with laughter

"He seems nice" Skylar said watching the mischievous male take the arm of his strict counterpart to hold onto as they continued their walk "she's interesting"

"Shyla is kind of stuck up and full of herself" Sirius answered

"Still better than the ones that control my house" Skylar said back

The two students made it to the portrait of the Fat Lady who guarded the entrance of Gryffindor's common room. Skylar wasn't sure how Sirius planned to get her inside without suspicion. As she pondered the thought, something grabbed her arm and she jumped into Sirius' side almost knocking him over.
"You're so easy to scare" said the voice of James

Sirius held Skylar close to his side, smirking at her expression. Her hair went almost pale white, something he's never seen it do before.
"Whys your hair so pale?" He asked taking some and running it through his rough hands

"Maybe seeing Garret inspired my transformations, it'll probably look like this when I get spooked" she said annoyed. All the color leaked from her hair, but slowly it turned back to it's fire red.

James got out of the invisibility cloak and placed it over Skylar's head.
"I figured you would try to sneak her in, I've been waiting for a while" James said making sure the cloak covered her completely

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