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"Bout time you lot showed up" a voice mumbled out. Skylar recognized the male immediately as Alastor Moody. Average height hefty male, more scars than Remus covered his face. She heard a rumor about him that he replaced one of his eyes with a magical one, another that he lost it in a bet with a goblin. Either way the eye moved around the room separate from the real which stayed on Skylar. "So this is the girl who did time"

"Under false pretense" Sirius snapped out. He wasn't going to let any of them make Skylar uncomfortable. The couple took their seats, Sirius pulling Skylar's out for her and then seating himself.

"Is it false?" Moody played "does she not bare the mark?" Skylar was glad she chose a long sleeved shirt, as usual she chose to hide her tattoo. Right now with the whole room looking at her, she felt like it wasn't covered at all. "If I didn't know better, I'd have taken her into Azkaban myself. Might still do it, depending how this goes"

"Just try to get near her" Sirius said, his voice was deepening with a haunting expression on his face. "See what happens"

"All bark and no bite" Moody said waving Sirius off.

"I'll show you bite" Sirius said getting up from his seat, Skylar pulled him back down shaking her head.

"Suppose spending time in Azkaban makes me the toughest in the room" Skylar said, flashing a smile at Moody. She had to establish herself, letting Sirius fight her battles wasn't going to work here. If she expected respect, she needed to earn it.

"You spent six months, don't get ahead of yourself" Moody said back

"How many have you spent?" Skylar rebounded. Sirius relaxed as he saw Skylar standing up for herself. "Have you spent hours with dementors flying around you, praying someone else was just a little weaker in the moment, that someone else had a stronger emotion coming through?"

"I've sent plenty there" Moony's magical eye was looking at the window closest to the table. Skylar couldn't help her vision towards the same spot. She could see her old apartment, almost imagine how it looked when she would sit at that very window and look out at the busy street. Skylar and Liam started their mornings the same always, he would be up earlier than he needed to be for work and Skylar would get up just for the joy of spending time with him. Together they would read the paper, drink tea, discuss her studies. Another memory flashed through her mind, the night she had to jump out the window beside her favorite one, where she was being hunted because of what she was to Liam. They wanted to twist his arm and make him join them, he was never strong enough to say no. Not when she was involved. "Are you listening girl??" Moody snapped out.

Skylar turned her attention from the window to the table where all were looking at her once more. Hagrid sat across from her, he sent her a questionable look.
"You alright?" He asked.

"I'm alright" she repeated. If she expected to make it out of this meeting with her sanity, she knew she had to keep her focus away from the window. "If you could repeat yourself Moody, sorry for the delay in response"

Moody grumbled to himself, McGonagall smacked his arm for whatever he said.
"I was asking you if you worked out your disguise yet? I've been told you're a Metamorphmagus and that's the reason we need you for the Order"

"Yeah, I'm going to go by the name Tessa Banks" Skylar said transforming into her chosen look. Sirius looked away, he didn't have time to speak with Dumbledore and now Moody was getting involved. He was going to have to make a point now if he hoped to keep her away from missions.

"It's good enough" Moody said, Skylar thought that might be the closest to a compliment he would give her. She chose to change back, seeing Sirius agitated.

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Where stories live. Discover now