Quests, quests everywhere!

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I regret telling Leo to explore the town.

Somehow we get robbed into doing a lot of shit for a lot of people.

I don't know why I can't seem to just say no, but Leo means doing these "Quests" for the people of South Park will help in our RPG.

Well, it's true if I finish a quest for someone I get a new Facebook friend, which in turn, if I have a certain amount, I can get a new Power Up like my PP gets higher and sometimes a new weapon, but I also can just speak to people and get so a Facebook friend.

Like it goes mostly in my life.

Never know and probably I will never know how I manage that. It was always like this. I collected followers like some people collect Steves for their evil plans.

Anyway will doing this shit tone of quests a meet a lot of...well interesting people.

That guy who hides behind a tree at the cinema is Al Gore, an ex-vice president of the United States, who likes to say cereal and is obsessed with something called ManBearPig.

I honestly only help him put this sensor around town because I wanna know what this ManBearPig is.

Never heard of it.

And I heard a lot of crazy shit while moving from state to state, city to city.

Then we meet at the playground some cute kindergarten kids who wanna play hide and seek with me. So we also have to look for them while running around town doing this and that.

Funny is no one here has their front doors locked. You can just walk in and rob....erm I mean borrow their stuff.

Maybe I should have picked thief since I have way too much fun exploring any house and grabbing what can help us in our LARPing. Good thing Leo doesn't seem to mind.

I should be better than this but nah. I'm enjoying myself way too much.

Next up, after finding the first kindergarten child, we enter the house of a gay man in a leather outfit and I kid you not his name is Mister Slave.

I'm getting a feeling South Park is full of awful puns and references of that kind.

Mister Slave asks me to pick up a package for him at the Post, so Leo and I make our way there.

The street where the Post is locked is full of shops. Leo referred to it as the marketplace.

It's kind of funny when we enter the bank and then the post that Leo goes all robber/kidnapper and then greets the people friendly.

I don't know why he does that, but I won't stop him.

After we pick up Mister Slaves' package, which is surely not a Dildo, what drugs are you on, I decide we finished exploring, putting the sensors up, and finding the other kindergarten kids before we return to Mister Slave.

We have found a kindergarten child in the bank and one down in the sewers. I'm still impressed with myself that I had the stomach to go down there.

When we reach City Hall I see something which instantly makes me angry.

Three bitches my age are bullying a little blond fourth-grade girl.

They throw at each other the little girls Justin Bieber toy, taunting her.

"Give it back! Give it back!", pleads the little girl.

Bitch with the red cap just snarks: "Why don't you make us?"

"That's MY Justin Bieber toy!"

"Not anymore, it's not!", says Bitch in a grey hoodie.

I had wordless Leo my staff and literally fly myself over the three bitches. Bitch with a cap gets a fist slammed in her face, Bitch in a grey hoodie I kick in the stomach, and the fat bitch I slap her so hard in the face that she falls down.

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