More trauma, yeah!

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"You make a hot Sasuke.", compliments me, Tammy.

I just give her a deadpan look.

I'm dressed now in my Sasuke Uchiha Cosplay when he was 13 and Genin, and I'm with Tammy on my way to the Park, where this Monica Ryland is waiting for me.

Or should I say, Mike?

I have to give it to the fourth-grade girls. They used one of my cosplay pic I send them to make a fake Facebook page about a boy named Mike from Lakewood with interests and all.

It really looks real.

Let's hope this Monica falls for this "trap" and we get this fast over.

All this is so stupid!

I'm glad that Tammy is my buddy, even if she is being a smart-ass.

"Ah, there look!", Tammy points at a girl with brown hair in pigtails, who is sitting on a bench. "That must be Monica."

"All right, let's get this bread. The sooner we got this over the sooner I can watch some Yuri to get away from this straight stuff!"

"Huh? What is Yuri?"

"...I will tell you another time Tam."

With that, I signal her to hide behind some trees as I walk up to Monica.

I channel my inner Sasuke. My hands are in the pockets of my white shorts and I have a resting bitch-face on.

"Monica?", I say her name like a don't give a fuck.

Well, I really don't give one, but if this gets me the girls to join our RPG I will do it.

Monica looks at me with this glitter in her eyes I know from people who were interested in me.

Also in N.K., not the cosplay.

Nice to know that this look at least is an universal thing.

Or I wouldn't get it if she wasn't into Mike/me.

"Oh Hi... you must be Mike.", she says in a kinda breathless tone.

I just nod.

She pets the bench to tell me to sit with her. Which I do.

"So. You wanna talk about Bebe, huh? Well, look... Bebe's my friend. I think she's really great. I- I don't know if she's the end all be all of girls – I mean... she's a little two-faced if you ask me. But, hey, I read a lot of your Facebook profile, and I think you're a really interesting boy."

I can't even say anything as Bebe, Wendy, and a red-haired girl appear.

Bebe points an accusing finger at Monica.

"A-HA! We knew it! You two-faced manipulative whore!"

"What the heck?!", shouts Monica surprised.

I just lean back and let the fourth-gradee girls handle this. I don't care, I just want this over.

"Thank GOD we sent the New Kid to spy on you, huh girls?", says Wendy in triumph.

"Yeah! Now we KNOW you're a two-faced bitch!", agrees the red-haired girl.

I normally would swoon since you all know my things for redheads, but these dramatic too straight girls don't do it for me.

Besides I already have my eyes on the hottest redhead in this town.

It's Kyle if you weren't sure.

"What do you mean?", wonders Monica confused. "You guys are my best friends!"

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