There is always more than one way

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The handsome Elf King and his two followers, his right-hand men and Bard Jimmy, lead me inside the house and we are now sitting face to face on the dining table.

Well me and the king.

His followers flank him on each side.

I took off my blond Link wig.

I don't see any more reason to hide behind it if they already know my true gender.

Also, I want that the Elf King sees ME not my cosplay.

I have a feeling, he likes what he sees, without sounding arrogant. He looked interested in my brunette bob cut.

Maybe he has a thing for brunettes?

I really hope so.

Damn, I'm so nervous.

This is so different than with Kenny.

Why does red hair make me crazy? Why?

"Lady N.K., before I tell you why I wanted to speak to you let me introduce myself and my loyal ranger.", starts the Elf King. "I'm Kyle and he is Stan. Jimmy, you already know."


His name is Kyle.

It fits him so much.

I gulp and pray I don't stutter.

"Pleased to meet you, King Kyle and Ranger Stan, as you know I'm mage N.K."

Yeah, I didn't stutter!

"Nice to meet you too dude, erm my lady.", greets me, Stan. "I was curious to know who gave my man such beatings. You really look as tough as they said."

I laugh and wave it away.

"You honor with your words, noble Ranger."

"Now that pleasantries are out of the way, I would really like to talk to you Lady N.K.", says King Kyle, his green eyes seem to look into my soul.

I feel...naked.


Not a lot of people made me ever feel this way.

Kyle is really something special.

Damn...I will probably really do whatever he says just to get in his good graces and hopefully snatch him up!

Why I'm such a thirsty hoe?


My hormones are bitches!

"I'm listing, your highness.", I manage to get out my lips.

"I want to be truthful to you, so you know you can trust my words.", he begins. "Bard Jimmy reported to us yesterday that the new mage of Kupa Keep is a girl and that Wizard Fatass doesn't know it. But Stan and I wanted to see you for ourselves. We are quite surprised that you are indeed a girl."

"Yeah, Leo, erm, Butters told me the girls of South Park don't really play games with you. But I'm not a native from here.", I remind him.

He nods.

"Indeed, you are different.", he continues. "You are a powerful warrior as Stan already said. It's a waste of your potential to be on Wizard Fatass's side."

Okay, I dig it that Kyle thinks I'm a powerful warrior, but also....

"You make me sound like a weapon.", I point out. "A weapon you want to defeat Cartman with."

Stan and Jimmy share a look, while Kyle's beautiful eyes light up.

Damn, so hot!

"You aren't only strong in body, but you possess a sharp mind. You could be so much more than be Cartman pawn."

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