Magical Music Madness with the Bard

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Holding hands and giggling like school girls Princess Kenny and I return to Kupa Keep.

"Princess Kenny, N.K. there you are!", greets us, Leo. "When Craig returned and you two didn't come back, I got worried."

Kenny waves his worries away, while I give his head a pat.

"Me and the Princess...explored a bit more of the town, nothing to worry about."

My fair princess and I share a look and laugh together.

Oh, we did explore.

But not the town.

Not that we are going to tell what we actually did. Leo is too innocent to hear this.

"Oh, all right.", signs Leo relieved. Then he frowns and points at my neck. "N.K.! You have a large bruise there! Let me heal it!"

Automatically I slap my free hand where the "bruise" is. I can't help but turn red, while Kenny giggles even more.

"Oh don't worry noble paladin. That isn't a bruise.", tells Princess Kenny smugly.

I give her an annoyed look.

"I know you sucked too hard!", I quietly hiss at her. "Now I have a hickey. How I'm going to explain this to my parents?"

Leo stares just confused from me to Princess Kenny.

As an answer, Kenny gives me a cheek kiss.

"Don't worry your pretty little head over it. Didn't you tell me that you are good with make-up? You can just cover it."

And with that, she sashes away.

I roll my eyes, but can't help grinning.

"Hate to see her leave love to watch her go.", I confess to Leo, who just seems more confused.

"Ooookaaayyyy, I have a feeling I don't wanna know what you and the princess were doing.", he admins. "Are you two together?"

I laugh and give his head again a pat.

"Oh Leo, you have still a lot to learn."

Not that I didn't enjoy my time alone with the Princess greatly, but already starting a relationship? Naah, I still wanna look around.

Kenny seems all right with it too.

And that's the most important thing.

Before Leo can ask what I mean, Lord I'm-going-to-die-on-a-heart-attack-if-someone-doesn't-murder-me-before steps out of the war tent and calls us all over to him.

"Gentlemen, thanks to the new kid, our entire army is assembled!", Cartman proclaims. "It is my belief that the new kid deserves to rank up in level."

"You honor me, my king.", I say with a little bow.

"To honor his efforts, he will no longer be called "Douchebag." New Kid, I hereby dub thee - SIR Douchebag! Congratulations."

I take it back.

"Oh come on you asshole! My name is not that complicated!", I shout while the others clap for me in congratulation for my new rank.

Of course, Cartman ignores me.

I will get my revenge on the asshole one day. Hitting him with Dragonshout didn't satisfy my hunger for revenge at all.

"But now it is time for us to take back that which is rightfully ours.", he tells us. "A carrier raven has come with news that the Stick of Truth has not yet been taken to the Elven Forest. It is in the possession of... the Bard."

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