Your Guide to Be a Goth

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In the morning I wake up, thanks to my ringing smartphone.

I blink sleepily and yawn.

I feel like a trunk hit me.


Wondering who is calling me, I pick up the phone.

I grunt a greeting.

"N.K.? Are you okay? You sound pissed off.", say's a female voice.

I need a second to register, who is talking to me.

Oh right, there was the space adventure I had last night!

"Tammy, hi sis!", I say back. "Sorry, I'm still half asleep."

"Yeah, I feel you. I called you to check if you are doing okay?"

"I should ask you that. You nearly got ass raped."

I can imagine that she is making a face.

"Don't remind me. Anyway, school got canceled for the next few days. My mom told me there was a huge earthquake!"

That's interesting.

I sit up on the bed and put my glasses on.

"I have the feeling we caused the earthquake with the crash landing we did.", I tell her.

"Same.", she agrees. "I hope no one finds out. Since we are free, do you wanna do something today?"

Aww, did I hear right? Tammy wants to spend the day with me!

"Girl, I'm so on board. When should we meet up?", I ask excitedly.

"Well, the mall is out of the question how about after lunch we meet at Tweek Bro's?"

Now I make a face.

"Tam, they put drugs in the coffee, let's not!"

"For real? Thank the lord I never drank any. Okay, how about cinema? We could watch a movie."

"That's a plan. Let's do this."

We agree on a time and then hung up.

Happily, I jump out of bed and start my morning routine. You know washing and then dressing.

Humming the first opening of Demon Slayer I make my way to the kitchen.

"Morning Mamma, morning Papà!", I greet my parents.

Papà is reading the newspaper, while Mamma is making pancakes.

Oh yes, this day starts awesome!

"Morning my princess.", greets Papà back.

"Sit down N.K., the pancakes are nearly done.", informs Mamma.

Grinning I give her a cheek kiss and then Papà one as I sit down on the table with him.

Mamma serves the pancakes and we dig in.

My parents tell me as Tammy did, that school got canceled for a few days. They tell me to enjoy this extra free time and to make new friends.

Well, I sure will get to know better Tammy and there are also Kenny and my other fourth-grade buddies.

We will probably still play our RPG.

I wonder if I somehow I can convince them to let Tammy join? Would she even want that? I mean we kicked ass together on the alien ship, but LARPing is something different.

I will ask her when I meet up with her.

For now, I'm done with my breakfast and ask my parents if I can watch some TV.

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