When all goes to shit!

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All I can say I'm on a roll these last two days!

I needed to write and finish this chapter.

Happy reading!

It's already dawn when the whole army of Kupa Keep, seriously where do all these kids come from, I never saw them at the Kingdom, and the Goth kids reach the school

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It's already dawn when the whole army of Kupa Keep, seriously where do all these kids come from, I never saw them at the Kingdom, and the Goth kids reach the school.

King If-I-don't-eat-cheesy-pops-I-will-die stands before us.

Loud, so that even the people a neighborhood away can hear him, he proclaims: "Defenders of freedom! I thank you for your courage, and your audacities in joining our fight! Tonight, we are no longer the humans or the goths. Tonight, we unite as ONE!"

"I feel like SUCH a homo sapien right now.", deadpans the boss goth, whom I learned his name is Micheal.

I can't help but snort. It's funny! Even if this wasn't surely why he said it.

By the way, I love the whole Viking-vibe, the Goths have going on. They look cool!

Two of the upper-floor windows open and elves look out of it.

"THE HUMANS ARE HERE!", shouts one, as another blows a war horn.

"Ooh, they blew their horn! Blow ours, Butters!", commands King I-need-to-see-a-diat-doctor.

Leo does just that, while Cartman shouts more commands: "Guys, flank left! Goth kids, prepare to attack from behind!"

It's time!

Let's get this show on the roll.

I take a deep breath and feel how Princess Kenny takes my hand. We look at each other in understanding.

Tonight the Wizard King will fall and a Queen will rise!

Tonight the Wizard King will fall and a Queen will rise!

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Getting into the school is easy.

We planned that the elven would barricade the front door, "forcing" us to use the backdoor.

I have Leo and Princess Kenny with me as we make our way through the kitchen.

"N.K., if you're in the building: You're fighting for a tyrant, but I know there's good in you.", sounds from the speaker's King Kyle's voice. He is playing his part perfectly. "Stop fighting for your evil lord! Free yourself from his control!"

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