Sunshine! Sparkle!

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The next morning I woke up feeling like I got run over by a car.


I hate life.

Maybe the Goths are into something.

I roll over, away from my window, grabbing Ursa tight.

Need more sleep.

Before I can fall into sweet bliss again, I hear how I get a notification on my phone.

I want to ignore it...but I could be Tammy. I ain't let hanging my best girl.

So I check my Facebook message.'s Kyle.

Emergency meeting at the Elven Forest.


Like a slap in the face, I remember what happened yesterday.

Clyde and his army of darkness.

The perverted Underpants Gnomes.


With I shout I run into the bathroom and throw up. God, I didn't need to remember that so vividly!

After I'm done leaving my guts in the toilette I brush my teeth, I need to get the taste away. Then I decide to take a long shower and maybe cry over my lost innocent.

Yeah sounds like a plan.

When I'm freshly washed I get dressed in my room in my Dark Magician Girl Cosplay. I fix my hair up with brown extensions and with hairspray. I form the spiky hairstyle of the original Dark Magician Girl. I grip my wand, which is of course the same that the original uses.

I'm ready for the day!

I go down the stairs, pointedly don't look at my parents and ignore their question if I want breakfast.

I mumbled something that I'm not hungry.

Then I'm out of the house.

I can't right now be close to them.

"Morning, N.K.!", greets Tammy, also in her fighter armor.

"Hey, Tam!"

We hug each other.

"What you doing here sis?", I ask her after our hug.

She takes my arm and we start to walk.

"You surely saw King Kyle post on Facebook I thought we could go together to the Elven Forest.", she explains.

I smile.

"You thought right."

We chat about random things on our way over. Ah, that's what I need to not think about THAT.

It feels so normal.

It's a good feeling. Something I terribly missed this last days.

Finally, we reach the Elven Forest.

King Kyle takes note of this.

"Ah, Dark Magician Queen N.K. and Lady Tammy have decided to bless us with their presence. Let's get started."

Tammy sits between me and Stan. Cartman sends me an evil look as I sit down beside him, while I just give him the middle finger.

I won fair and square the throne. Even if Clyde took my power away in a puff. It's still awesome that the others recognize me now as the queen of Kupa Keep.

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