Blame Canada!

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When we return to the Elven Kingdom I call out: "Guy's, council meeting now!"

All, even Cartman, gather around me.

"What is it, queen N.K.?", asks King Kyle.

"I did a lot of shit for the girls but they still aren't ready to play with us.", I begin and hand him over the document from the abortion clinic. "I need to get this translated. Anyone of you can do this?"

Stan reads over Kyle's shoulder a loud: "Cinq femmes ont sobi un avortement... what language is that?"

"I think it's French.", I say.

"It's some kind of strange Orcish.", Cartman is still full in the RPG. "I've seen this language before... In the Kingdom to the North."

"Kingdom to the North?", I repeat confused.

"Oooh, the Kingdom to the North...", expresses Leo in awe.

"Guys, New Girl here what is the Kingdom to the North?"

"Canada.", answers me, Princess Kenny.

I blink and then I frown at the guys.

"Are you telling me I have to go to Canada to get this shit to translate?", I curse annoyed. "I don't have a passport, I can't enter another country."

"You don't have a passport, big sis?", ask me Leo suprised, but I can see that all are wondering why I don't have one.

I cross my arms.

"My parents only like to move around America, they never feel the need to travel to another country. Which sucks because I would love to visit Japan one day."

It's still for a few seconds.

"Your parents are weird.", declares Tammy.

I can only nod in agreement.

Surprisingly Cartman waddles over a toy box and fishes out a passport.

"I'm only doing this since we need this bitches to fight with us, bitch!", he explains and hands me the passport. "Your name is no longer traitorous lying whore, it is now 'Larry Bobinski', from Cleveland."

"I will kick your ass another time you hater.", I promise and put the passport in backbag.

It needs a photo.

So first get a passport photo and then try to find a way to Canada.

"The quickest way to the Kingdom to the North is through the Lost Forest. Head north, then north again. North... a-and then north.", tells me, Kyle.

I just give him a disbelieving look.

Isn't Canada like far away from us?

"All right. Who wants to join me?", I ask aloud.

"It would be an honor to fight with you queen N.K.", offers King Kyle.

Oh god!

I can help but blush.

Me and Kyle.




"It would be my honor if you come with me, King Kyle.", I managed to get out.

Tammy is wiggling her eyebrows at me. I send her a look.

Stop it, goddammit.

"I would like to come too."

...Did I hear right?

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