I rather be on the Normandy

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I'm on the Main Street in Seattle.

It looks like a goddamn war zone!

Screams and shouts can be heard around me.

Cars are on fire, buildings are half destroyed, and the military is here with tanks and all this shit.

I feel...tired.

So tired.

I have been fighting for a long time.

My breathing is rugged.

I don't know how long I can still fight.

I look down at my hands.


I'm...wearing white fingerless gloves.

They are ruffled on the edges, with a golden bracelet around them.

Drenched in blood...

With a gasp, I wake up and automatically search for my glasses to put on

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With a gasp, I wake up and automatically search for my glasses to put on.

What the fuck?

What kind of fucked up dream was this?

I place my glasses back on my nose, looking around the room wildly.

Holy cow, why did my brain, dreamed up something like that?

I need to calm down.

It helps that I can see.

It's okay.

I'm in my new room in South Park.

Not in a war-thorn Seattle!

Tired I rub my eyes.

Maybe I should get a glass of water. My heart is still pounding in my chest and I feel a bit dizzy.

Yeah, some water will do me good.

As I'm about to stand up, a freaky light from outside shines into my room.

"What the fuck?", I mumble.

It gets even better, as my door slowly opens, and a motherfucking alien steps in!

But not a cool alien, like the ones in Mass Effect. Like a Turian or Asari, damn I would even take an Elcor, not this generic white-ass, huge-head alien!

I can't even shout for my parents, as more motherfuckers enter and circle around my bed.

One alien sprays something in my face.

And I blank out.

Whatever stuff they gave me, it's not that potent. I'm not entirely sedated.

Yes, I can't move for shit, but I wake up for a few seconds, before blanking out again.

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