Episode 3

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-This chapter has been re-edited, there may be additional conversations and scenes, I tried to correct the translation errors as much as I could!!-
⋆July, 2024⋆

Y/N point of view

After I was fed, I purred with satisfaction and started licking my paws. It was starting to get dark again and we explored the island thoroughly. We also met some of the dragons on the island. They were all quite surprised to see us. One of the dragons even came up to me and called me Toothless!

Actually, we weren't planning on leaving this island anytime soon, but... a dragon I didn't know calling me by someone else's name changed some things.

There really were Night Furies out there somewhere!

My father always said we were the last Night Furies. But now there were others too! It's out there somewhere. I smiled involuntarily at the thought that we were finally not alone. I learned that the Night Fury, named Toothless, lives on an island called Berk.

When I told Light and Ice what I had learned, they were both very excited and we decided to hit the road again tomorrow morning.

I really loved flying, but I had to admit that long journeys were quite tiring. Especially since I wasn't used to it at all... But assuming my father didn't like it at all either, we Night Furies were definitely not suited for long journeys. I thought my mother, as an Ice Fury, was resistant to cold climates, but we still definitely had to live in warm regions.

Still, no matter what, I refused to return to my old home. I wanted to prove to my father that it wasn't as dangerous out there as he told me, and that there were Night Furies out there somewhere.

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As the wind caresses my wings, I open my closed eyes to see other islands in front of me.

About a few hours ago, we filled our stomachs and left the island and set off on our journey again. I didn't know where we were going, but I felt that I was far from my father. Even if Light and Ice didn't say anything, I could guess that they missed their families too..

At that moment, Light, who was flying on my left side, suddenly flipped over me, passed by my right side, and touched me with the tip of her wing. 

“I tagged!”

I laughed slyly and sped up as Ice joined her and sped away from me

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I laughed slyly and sped up as Ice joined her and sped away from me. I would never lose this game.

When Light realized I had caught up to her, she roared with laughter and shot a plasma into the white sky. She became invisible by passing through her own plasma.

"Are you serious Light!?" I growled in anger. She was cheating!

It was then that I saw another silhouette that I could barely make out among the white clouds. Ice!

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