Episode 8

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Hii! I know I haven't updated for a few days but, I have an important exam and.. I'm graduating from middle school!!!

I'm incredibly excited about going to high school and my graduation is pretty close. So I won't be able to update the book daily :'(

I will try to get back to the old order in about a week,

Good reading!!!💓

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Hiccup point of view

Before a rather large Rumblehorn spread its wings and roared to reveal us, I held out my hand to him, but it didn't do much. As Rumblehorn rushed towards us, Astrid called out to Stormfly and we jumped over the crystal and began to fall.

We stopped falling downhill and started running as Rumblehorn came right behind us. I heard another reassuring roar, I knew it was Toothless, but we didn't stop running.

And suddenly a dragon started flying fast holding us. "I... I'm sorry, bud. I... I just..." I turned my head to see that it was toothless, but came across a white fur.

I panicked and immediately looked back. Toothless looked as panicked as I was, but Female Fury seemed calmer as she followed us. When we emerged from The Hidden World, the white dragon flew over Stormfly and landed Astrid towards the dragon. He landed me on Toothless as well and flew away into the female Night Fury.

Y/N point of view

"You followed us!?" We flew a little farther from them with Ice, preventing them from seeing us. While Ice was flying comfortably, I started to fly among the clouds.

Ice turned to me with a rather offended-looking face. "Actually no.. We said we were going to people watch today. We followed Hiccup and a girl named Astrid all day, then Light left and I continued to watch people."

Normally I would be pissed at them for being so unemployed, but I have to admit. Without the ice, it would have been much more difficult to save people because there was quite a distance between us and the people.

He continued to stare at me as if he had read my thoughts. "And?"


"Not even a thank you?" He asked in rebellion.

I rolled my eyes and gave him what he wanted, "Okay, thanks for following people, Ice."

Normally I'd be pretty stubborn not to say this, but this time I didn't resist.

Looking surprised, he checked me to see if I was serious. "Really? Wow. Can you repeat that-"

I gave him a questioning look and spread my wings to my sides to slow down. Knowing that Ice was looking at me curiously, I flew behind him and sent a weak plasma towards him.

He roared non-loudly in shock and dived down, doing the only thing he could do at the time to avoid being hit.

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Hiccup point of view

There was only silence along the way. Toothless, had been pouting ever since Night Fury had disappeared into the clouds with the white dragon.

When we reached New Berk, we glided down to the island. I descended from Toothless and looked at the newly built houses, the dragons carrying supplies. Astrid put her hand on my shoulder to strengthen me.

Finally, I took a deep breath and stepped in front of Toothless. "It's okay, bud."

His ears pricked slowly. "You belong there, with it. We don't.. And that's all right."
I reached out my hand towards him and cupped his face. "We'll find a way to..."

Toothless X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now