Episode 4

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-This chapter has been re-edited, there may be additional conversations and scenes, I tried to correct the translation errors as much as I could!!-
⋆July, 2024⋆

Hiccup point of view

"Now, Astrid!" Telling Astrid and Stormfly to throw the barrel of water into the burning area.

When the flames finally died down, I patted Toothless on the neck to comfort him. "Don't worry Bud, we'll find her again."
In response, Toothless hummed sadly and continued to hover in the air.

I had to admit it wasn't a very warm encounter with the mysterious Night Fury (?). She was a wild dragon and had different plasmas that we had never encountered before.

I had a chance to examine her just before she attacked us. She was like a female version of Toothless, but smaller and ultimately wild. They had different plasma than Toothless, so I thought she might be a hybrid. But what kind of dragon hybrid was she?

I was hoping my mother could tell me something about this dragon.

Y/N point of view

*You're in the pit where Toothless and Hiccup first meet (?)*

"So, you encountered another Night Fury and... was it tame?" Light asked in great shock.

“I guess…” I sighed as I watched the fish swimming in the pond.

"Maybe he's been caught?"

"No.. You should have seen him! He was really worried about people." I stood up sadly and started walking around. It was getting dark now and we found this place to spend the night.

Ice had found a piece of wood stuck between two rocks -Hiccup's shield from the first movie- and started playing with it. Even though he didn't listen to me, he understood that I was upset and turned to me. "Hey, don't worry about it, Y/N. I'm sure-"
My ears suddenly perked up. "Did you hear that?"

Ice looked at me strangely. "What? What sound?"

While my ears were still up in the air, a black dragon silhouette flew over us and headed towards where the vikings lived. I growled as Light and Ice looked for cover for fear of being seen.

After a short while, smoke began to rise from the village where those vikings lived.

"What's going on!?" Light asked worriedly as her brother hid under Ice's wing. In response, I spread my wings.

"I don't know, but I'll check." I roared, telling them to stay here so they wouldn't come after me, and flew into the now completely dark sky.

“Y/N!” I heard Light and Ice calling after me, but I didn't turn back. Since my scales were one with the night, I flew towards the village unnoticed. The flames got bigger as I got closer, but I didn't stop, I was worried about Toothless.

Then I heard a whistling sound and saw those monsters.


As one of the Deathgrippers flew directly below me, I was about to send one of my plasma blasts at him, but I stopped. I flew in circles around the village because I didn't want to be noticed yet. While I was careful to fly very quietly, I saw two people at the entrance of a burning house. One of them was wearing a different costume, but I recognized the other viking.

The one Toothless was protecting this morning.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ⋆

As the daylight was just beginning to illuminate the surroundings, I got off the branch I was hanging from and walked towards Light and Ice, who were fishing in the pond. While I was watching what was happening at night, I came back here when everyone in the village had gathered in a single area.

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