The last time that i heard someone's voice, it was Servien, and not someone's cry that is a little bit soft and some whimpering. I can hear some explosion from the distance and people's scream but i remain unmoving. I felt so tired and weak.
Opening my eyes, i was met with darkness. The sky are dark and the wind is somewhat warm but still there's some coldness on it.
I turn my head from left to right until my gaze fell on a small little girl with short blonde hair crying over a small figure in front of her. It looks like the girl got hit by the fallen rocks based on blood on their head and back. Grunting a little, i pushed my self up and tried to steady my feet before walking to them slowly.
The girl had sense me coming for them and she quickly looks up with her green eyes held some fear on it while tears rolled down on her cheeks. Stopping on my tracks i held up my hand telling her that I'm not about to hurt them. Though she didn't say anything i continue and get closer to them before crouching a bit and put my hand on the other kids figure trying to feel some pulse. I almost sigh in relief but it was faint and she was loosing her life. Still feeling tired and weak i brushes it off as my hand glowed with some light green color. I heard a soft gasp beside me but ignored it and focus myself on healing the girl. My hands shakes a bit and i held the grunts that is wanting to escape from me as i felt like my hands are being picked with thousands of needles while bitting my lips.
Another minute had passed, the glow in my hands disappear as i finished healing the girl. She was still unconscious but she was now breathing fine. A sigh escapes from me as i let myself fall on my butt sitting on the ground.
“ Thank you..” a voice said.
I almost jump from the shocked and put my hand on my chest to stop my pounding heart from exploding. I forgot that she's here. Looking down on her, the girl now had stopped from crying and she looks so adorable. Her chubby cheeks had some tint of redness on it probably from crying a while ago. I shook my head a little before leaning forward and get the unconscious girl on my arms before getting on my feet. The girl looks up to me while i give her a slight smile.
“ Let's get out of here” i said and the girl nodded her head before walking in front of me.
The little girl lead me outside barefooted. It seems like she really know this place as she led me to some secret passage avoiding all the fights happening around us. I don't know where we are going but i let her lead me inside the dark forest. It took us some time before we stop near a pond and a fallen log. The girl takes a seat on the log and i followed after her, placing the unconscious girl near her and took a seat on the ground while resting my back on the log.
Letting out a tired sigh, i close my eyes a bit.
“ Thank you again for helping her..” the girl's soft voice filled my ears. I open my eyes and sees her already looking at me.
I smiled at her. “ It was nothing.. i like helping people ”
She smiled back to me before looking down at the unconscious girl.
“ My name's Mavis Vermilion a member of Red Lizard guild same as her, her name is Zera, she's the guild master's daughter” she said while caressing Zera's hair.
My eyebrows furrowed a bit as i look at her.
“ Guild?” i asked in confusion.
“ Yes, it's a place for Mage's like us. Why? Don't you have one?” she asked.
I was stunned and i don't even know what to say as i continue to look at her. Looking away from her i scanned the surroundings and notice that it's the first time that i have been on this part of forest and it's quite unfamiliar to me.
“ Where are we?” the girl blinked her eyes before looking around us.
“ Tenrou Island” she said with a ghost smile on her face.
“ Ten- what?” i turn half of my body sideways as i look at her intently. “ Where is that? What happened to Goldera? And the dragons?” i asked bombarding her with questions forgetting that she was a child.
Mavis stared at me dumbfounded before looking at me like she was judging or analyzing me. It was silent for a moment until her face changed emotions.
“ I don't know about Goldera but dragons are long gone.. extinct hundreds of years ago” she said to me.
It felt like a punch in the gut. I stared at the girl wide eyed not believing every word she had said.
Extinct? That's absurd!
The dragons won't be extinct that easily. Servien.. my eyes widened a bit more remembering the last time i saw him and the last words i heard from him.
‘ Farewell child’
No. It can't be. That's impossible. Something click at the back of my mind remembering the words that Mavis said. I look at her again and she was back on caressing Zera's hair.
“ You said.. t..that they're extinct hundred of years ago . What do you mean by that? It was only a few minutes ago that the dragons starts killing us humans and before Servien pushed me inside his dimension” i told her with my heart racing a bit.
She looks up to me a bit conflicted about something before her face turned to a soft and innocent look again. She stop from caressing Zera's hair and put her attention on me.
“ Tell me.. uh..” she started but blinked a few times. “ Sorry i didn't know your name”
I almost facepalm myself at that. How rude of me, bombarding her with questions without even introducing myself. I cleared my throat in embarrassment before looking to the side.
“ My name's Enlil” i said. She didn't comment about it and just nodded her head. Looking at her like that she seems like a matured person already.
“ Okay.. Enlil, tell me. This Goldera what it is? Because i haven't heard of it”
“ Goldera is a hidden island. Humans and Dragons with golden scales are also living there with us. It was peaceful and i wouldn't blame you if you didn't know about it. The outside world doesn't really know that we exist. Though something happened and those peace were broken and all the dragons starts killing everyone..” i said. The memories about that time flashes through my mind. It's like i am hearing their screams all over again. I shake it off my mind before letting out a deep breath.
“ I have heard of those attacks, but it was all from stories from the adults. Dragons killing everyone and everywhere, it causes their race to extinction. Though.. they say it happened hundreds of years ago back on year X300 and we are on year X679 now. And i think you're not from here.. your clothing are kind of foreign yet old to me”
Once again i stared at her, dumb struck. Is she serious? There's no way that it is year X679 now.
“ Y.. you're not serious, are you? I mean.. that's impossible. I couldn't be all unconscious during those times that passes by and the next thing i know when woke up is it's over a hundreds of years already. I should be dead by now and not like looking like this.. like.. i haven't age at all.”
I said while breathing heavily. X679? The dragons being extinct?
Mavis didn't say anything afterwards and just go back to what she's doing on Zera's hair as silence fell on both of us. I let out a sigh as my mind tried to grasp everything that is happening.
Could it be that what she's saying is true? Hundreds of years? Over 300 years that i was unconscious inside Servien's dimension.
I look on Mavis only to find her already asleep beside Zera. I smiled at the two. Letting out another sigh. I rested my head on the log behind me and close my eyes. Still feeling tired, physically and emotionally.
I hope that when i woke up again, it was all a dream. That I'm still with Servien on Goldera island.

FantasyYear X300, where dragons are still existing, Enlil was thrown upon a responsibility that she has to carry with her. With the dragons still existing, peace is not guaranteed. With humans still existing, someone will desire to have more power and wag...