45. Edo Enlil

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I gasped loudly as i open my eyes and panted heavily. My eyes moves around me and it looks like I'm in some kind of prison. I tried to move my arms feeling it too heavy as it was numb but it won't badge and when i look at it. I blink a little seeing that i was cuffs on the wall. Though i let out a wince feeling the familiar ache on my stomach and sees the stab wound on it.

Right.. Erza stabbed me..

“ I really despise you ”

Her voice echoes in my head as her image from earlier flash on my mind. That couldn't be the Erza that i know, right? Erza might be scary sometimes but she's not that cruel to the point that she will wage her weapons on us.

I let out a shaky breath before a quiet footsteps were heard around the room where I'm in. And after a moment, Erza had appear in front of the cell. She stared at me with the same coldness on her eyes from earlier. I met her eyes and tried to look for something but it wasn't there.

She's not the Erza that i know.. this must be her Edolas version that Wendy told me earlier who's an enemy to Edolas Fairytail, the Fairy Hunter.

There's some clicking sounds before the cell had opened and she walk inside, making me blink and gulp slightly.

“ You're not the same person..” she said and walk a little bit more closer to me before she take my face on her hand turning it from side to side. “.. but seeing your face makes me want to kill you” she said as my eyes widen a little.

Kill me? Just what kind of person my version from here is?!

She let go of my face but still didn't move away from me before i was met with a punch on my stomach making me gasped loudly as my eyes widen.

“ But i guess it would be fine taking my anger on you” she said before sending a few hits on me.

Though it didn't take long when she got summoned and stops from hitting me. And i admit, it really hurts. She's really letting out all her anger at me and I'm starting to hate the other version of me. Her blow were really hard and it causes my body to shake from all those hits that i got from her. Though my head starts to feel light like i was floating, probably from blood lost and my body are getting numb now.

But before i could lose my consciousness, a hooded figure appeared just outside my cell. I furrowed my eyebrows at them before the person starts picking up the lock and when there's a small click, they opens the door and get inside with me.

The person took of their hood and my eyes widen in shocked upon seeing who the person is.

“ Holy shit you really looks like me” i said dumbfounded as i stare at the Edolas version of myself.

She smirk at me causing me to blink and narrow my eyes at her.

“ You look pathetic” she said making my eyebrows to twitch.

I glared at her and gritted my teeth as anger filled me in.

“ Listen here you bitch version of me, you have the guts to call me that. While i don't know what you did to Erza, i am sure that you're the pathetic one here” i told her and she look at me in shock as her eyes widen a bit.

There's a silence that fell on us before she scoff at me and turn her head away.

“ And here i was thinking that maybe i should help you get out but nah.. nevermind then. Calling me pathetic, psh!” she said making me blink. Say what?

“ You're the one who calls me that!” i glared at her before a question pop up on my mind.

“ Now that you're here. What did you do to make her despise you?” i asked and her expression change, making me to look at her in confusion.

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