34. Midnight Falls

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Where did they go? I thought as i ran to the empty streets. I've been trying to look for anyone but there's no luck at all. I even used my sense of smell but all i can smell is the darkness around Nirvana, making it hard for me to locate everyone. Though from the back of my mind.. I'm still thinking about what Cobra said earlier before i left him to Natsu.

‘ Ten hours more’

His words keeps echoing on my mind. It really confuses me and what will happen after that ten hours. I keep thinking about it that i didn't notice that i lost track of time while running not until i heard someone's scream that made me stop suddenly. I knew that voice.. i thought before turning to that direction and starts running.

And just as I'm nearing the place i can't help but let out a sigh as i smell those scents.

Why do i keep running into them? I asked to myself.

There's an unfamiliar scent with them and i take it that this one is from Oracion Seis. And it looks like i am right, since i can already see the back of that person and i can see a number of swords on the ground. And just as that person was about to attack them, i quickly leap upwards and using my flight i reappear just behind him before swaying my fist to his face. He was sent a few feet away from the impact as his foot leaves a mark on the ground.

I landed on the ground and let out a sigh before turning my head a bit and look behind me.

“ Are you okay, Erza? Jellal?” i asked them.

Erza was staring at me with her eyes wide in surprise while Jellal was laying on the ground but he gives me a nod. Then Erza blinks a few times before her face turned serious as her eyes fell on Midnight, one of Oracion Seis member.

“ Now i understand..” Erza said suddenly making me to look back at her.

“ You can reflect every attacks that was sent to you.. but you can't reflect it when it was physically sent to you. In other words, your Reflector magic can't do anything against human bodies. That's the first weakness of your magic, and the other one is you can't use it at a time and use it again” She explained to us and my eyes widen at that.

My eyes then turn to Midnight, and i can see the look of surprise and shock to his face before it turns to anger.

Can't do anything with physical attacks?... I blinked a little and i turn my head again to Erza as her body starts glowing. And when it disappear she was now dress into something else. She gives me a glance and it looks like her eyes were telling me something almost like its pleading. I give her a nod before she walks beside me and we both faced Midnight together.

Erza then quickly leaps forward and also follows after her. I use my fist and try to hit Midnight but a kick was sent to my stomach, making me to back flips a little and coughs a bit. Erza then landed next to me and asking if i were okay, and i just nodded my head to her. Midnight stood there staring at us. And then there was a loud explosion that happen somewhere causing me to turn my head.

“ What was that?” Erza said.

Midnight suddenly let out a few laugh before he opens his eyes again and there's a grin that form on his face.

“ Father is sure taking all the fun from me. I guess you two will be my prey then” he said as he runs his tongue on his mouth.

Tch.. what a weirdo..


Erza tighten her hold against her sword as Enlil stood on her side. The two gave another glance on each other before taking a leap and began to attack. Midnight was a little shocked upon noticing that the two had became faster than earlier and let out a grunt as something hit him on his face, making him turn his head and found Enlil about to give another punch again. But he already sees it coming and so he move back attempting to escape from her but Erza was waiting for it as she slash him with his sword making him scream in pain.

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