It's been a few days since that day.. and after that, Erza had started to ignore me at all. Every time that we're in the same room, there's some tension in the air. And i think everyone in the guild had already noticed that something is completely wrong. Usually, Erza would always walk to me in the guild and hang out or it's the other way around but this time, we both have our distance with each other.
I also have reduce my time with team Natsu.. seeing that everything had started to get awkward if I'm sitting or working on a job with them. It usually are full of bickerings but we've been both keeping our distance on each other. Like if I'm walking in front, she would slow down her steps until she's behind us or vice versa. And if the others will break in on my apartment, she wasn't there. Lucy told me that she always had things to do like fixing her armors or clean and check the Fairy Hills but it's just her excuses to avoid me. Honestly, that hurts. We haven't been friends that long and we already had fallen out.
Though i couldn't really blame her..
Lucy and Mira has been bothering me of what happen but i couldn't just tell it to them. It's not that i don't trust them.. it's because i don't really know what to say.. or the right words to explain everything to them. Makarov has been giving me some looks when he notice it too but didn't dare to asked me about it, to which i am thankful that he wasn't that kind of person who will push and pressure you into telling them what happened.
“ Enlil!”
My head turn back as i heard Natsu and Happy. There's a big grin on his face before he held out a piece of paper for me to see. A job request.
“ Come on! Let's go on a job” he said. I smile a bit to him before shaking my head slowly and took something from my pocket.
“ Sorry, Natsu. I already got a job to do” i said before getting of the stool.
His expression dropped as he lowered his hand. I gave him another smile before patting his shoulder as i walk past him. My cape were flying behind me and i let out a sigh as i left the guild, though just as i walk outside, the others were waiting there along with their packed things.
Lucy looks up to me and i smile at her before walking passed them.
Natsu walked outside the guild and sees his friends were all staring at Enlil's retreating back. They didn't know what's the reason behind their feud but they just stay silent for it, but seeing one of their friends avoiding them, Natsu turn to look on the scarlet hair mage who's also staring at Enlil's back. Wondering what really happened between his two friends. Lucy let out a sigh and took the handle of her luggage.
“ That's the ninth time she declined going on a job with us” she said while letting out another sigh.
Erza blinks before her gaze fell on the floor as they started to walk away and head to do the job.
I gritted my teeth and clenched my hands as i closed my eyes. The rattling of the train that is moving fast makes my stomach to churn and gagged. I sat alone on the booth and stared outside watching everything in a blur.
This really sucks.. i hate transportation.. i thought and try to focus my attention somewhere.
The job was few hours away from Magnolia and it was located just past Crocus. There's a monster that's terrorizing a village and has been destroying things, also there's a rumour that it also had taken a few people from the village. Actually, it was Makarov who really had told me about the job this morning. And this was supposed to be a job for a team but i told him that I'll do it alone and he didn't say anything about that or argue and just nodded his head to me. Before he left saying that he needs to attend a meeting with the other guild masters.
I let out a heavy sigh and inhale the fresh air around me as it brushes on my skin before i open my eyes again and starts walking at the said village. Though it didn't take me long before i reached it. My eyes scan the area and i saw a lot of destroyed houses and fallen trees, making me frown. From the side of my eyes i caught sight of some people from their house peaking at their windows. I can tell that they were scared to the point that they don't want to go outside anymore even though it's still daylight.
I reached the house of the person who sent the job request and they let me in before they closed the door again and put a lot of locks to it, making me blink in surprise. The man who requests the job told me everything that has been happening lately and how one of his children got taken away along with few other kids. My eyes squinted as i heard about it, why was it only kids who got taken? This should not be another cult or any group of people using kids or i swear i would put them through hell.
I left the house after that and walk along the streets trying to observe and look for some clues. According to the man, the monster always appeared when it's midnight and would walk from houses to houses like it was searching for something and after that, it will destroy things before it left. My mind was thinking about what kind of a monster who would take kids and disappear. There's a possibility that it's not really a monster but rather, a person who can use Transformation magic.
When it's starting to get dark, i decided to stay outside and on top of the trees and waited until midnight. The air had turn cold and there's an eerie silence around the village until i heard it. The smell makes me crunch my nose as it has a stench of death. I can hear its loud footsteps and the low growl coming from it until i caught sight of the said monster. It wasn't that big but enough to destroy the houses. Staring at it i tried to summon my sword but nothing appeared making me frown in confusion until i remember that it was still with Erza and given what had happened, it may take a while before i can get it.
Sigh. I guess i had no choice but to use my magic then.. i thought before i jumped from the tree.
The monster must have sense my presence since it turn to me and let out a growl. I stomp my foot on the ground until a gold magic circle appeared and i casted a spell.
“ Gold Dragon's Geyser!”
Gold lights appeared on the ground below the monster and it hits them directly, making it scream loudly and i wince as it made my ears ringing. It lets out a roar before it charged forward and my eyes widen when it was suddenly in front of me before swatting me with its right hand like I'm some kind of fly. It's fast.. i thought as my body was sent to the trees before i fall on the ground making me gasped as it felt like i got hit by a train. Then my eyes fell on the monster as it was about to attack again, but this time, I'm ready. I changed my form with golden scales around my body and cover me with it as i took a leap and run to the monster.
“ Gold Dragon's Glaive!”
I scream and there's a golden glaive that appears on my hands before i throw it at the monster, piercing its stomach. Then i took a stance and inhale a large breath of air to my lungs before releasing it.
The monster let out a loud scream before it falls on the ground and i panted a bit.
A bright light suddenly appeared from its body that it made me close my eyes a bit before it vanished. When i open my eyes again, the monster was gone and lay on the ground was the bodies of the kids it had taken, all unconscious.
Well.. it looks like i was wrong. It wasn't really a person who can use Transformation magic but a spirit who managed to used these kids as their life source..i thought as i let out a sigh.
The next morning.. everyone in the village were ecstatic when i told them about what happened but cheered nonetheless as it was finally gone and all the kids had been returned. There's a celebration that happened and they all have thanked me for what i did before i left and head back to Magnolia. The smile on my face dropped as i remember that i will have a few hours to suffer until i reach Magnolia and i gulp as my body had ran cold.
Transportation sucks!

FantasyYear X300, where dragons are still existing, Enlil was thrown upon a responsibility that she has to carry with her. With the dragons still existing, peace is not guaranteed. With humans still existing, someone will desire to have more power and wag...