69. A Talk with Servien

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My eyes fluttered open, it was blurry at first making me close my eyes again and slowly open them with my sight now clear. I was met with a bright sight. My eyes roamed around everywhere as i sat up. It was all white.

Where am i?

“  How long are you going to sit there, brat?”

My head was quick to turn and i can feel my jaw went slack as a gasp escaped from me. My eyes went wide and my heart skip a beat. Impossible...

“ S... Servien?” i whispered in shocked.

He was standing there in all of his glory. His golden scales are shining from the light hitting it making it sparkle. His body glowed brightly making me close my eyes for a bit and when i open them again, i was shocked.

“ Wha... Who.. are you?” i asked. What?!

There was a man standing where the dragon had once stood. His body were littered with gold linings around his form and up to his face. His skin were a bit tanned with his golden red hair falling just past his shoulders blades. He was dressed in some long pants and vest on the upper part. The man smirked at me with his golden red eyes. Like Servien's...

“ Who do you think i am, brat? Of course it is I, Servien. You ungrateful kid, how dare you forget about me, huh?”

I blinked at him.

It is really him! He's the only one who always calls me that. Given by his voice, still i can't believe what I'm seeing right now.

“ You're human? How come?” i asked and get on my feet without taking my eyes off of him.

“ Tch. Some of us dragons have human forms that we can turn into. Though it's not a thing that every dragon has the ability to do so. It just a few of us.” he said.

I didn't say anything and continue to look at him. So he can turn into a human.. how come he didn't once turn before? Or perhaps he did and decided to keep it a secret to blend in with us at the island. Even so.. he should have told it to me before i bet my father knows about this.

“ He did”

I blink at him.

“ What?” i asked in confusion. Did he just...

“  Your father knows about this” he said to me.

“ You can read my mind? Even so.. where are we? And why are you here? How come you're here?”

I asked him as i look around. There was no one else aside from us and I'm really confused on how he was alive and talking to me at the moment.

“ Tch. You ask too many questions. You brat, we're inside your consciousness right now. Don't you remember what happen?”

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as i stared at him. What is he talking about? My hand flew to my head. It feels like i am forgetting about something but i can't quite recall what that is. What happened though...

“ Acnologia” he said.

Then my eyes widened as flashes of image return to my head. That's right. Tenrou island. The trial. Erza and everyone. Grimoire Heart. And... Acnologia.

‘ .. to Fairytail..’

My heart skip another beat when i remember Makarov's voice just before Acnologia's blasts were about to hit us. I look up and stare at Servien who's standing across from me.

“ Where is everyone?! What happened to them?! Where is Acnologia?!” i asked desperately.

Servien let out a sigh as he closes his eyes before opening them again and stare at me. His face were serious now. What happened... Everyone..

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