10 Team Makarov

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“ Where have you been all this time?”

I sighed. Ever since i came back, Makarov has been following me around. It's been a few days after what happened at the guild and the next morning, he takes a seat beside me back at the guild and strike a conversation. He's asking me questions after questions and my patience are completely running out at him.

“ For the ninth time, i was out exploring the world” i said as i stop from walking and takes a glance at him behind me.

“ I can tell that you're lying” he said making me raise my eyebrows at him. He grinned at me before walking at my side as the two of us continue our walk without any direction.

“ Where are we going?” he asked.

“ I don't know” what my response is making him scoff at me.

“ We've been walking for a minutes now and you're telling me that i follow you for nothing?” he said in disbelief. I flicked him on his forehead making him hiss in pain before glaring at me.

I shook my head before turning in front.

“ You won't get anything from me if that is what you're aiming for following after me” i said and walk away leaving him as i stare at the blue sky.

“ It's not what you think!” he said before catching up with me. I glance at him and his face are serious now. There's a bit of silence that fell on us before he starts talking again.

“ Warrod has been talking highly of you” he started making me blink. “ He's been telling me how amazing you are when you protected him against Blue skull. He said that your magic is something that is one of a kind, a Lost Magic. Father is also saying the same thing and they seem so fond of you. And I'm following you around because i want to see it for myself, the reason that they think highly of you” he said.

I was speechless. I didn't know that Yuri and Warrod thinks of me like that. There's nothing special about me and i always think of my self as someone normal, well aside from me being an immortal that is. After that, nothing.

Makarov and i continue our walk without a conversation happening. But as we made our way back at the guild he jumps suddenly before grinning at me widely.

“ How about we go on a job?” he said and i blinked at him.

Well.. i guess going on a job with him doesn't hurt. I nodded my head making him jump in happiness before running back to the guild. I shake my head and follow after him with a smile on my face.


“ I thought we are going on a job mission?” i asked eyeing the people that are walking beside us. I thought when he said we it's just us.

Makarov, after running back at the guild was quick to choose a job before letting Precht approved of it and also telling him that he was going with me which results to Precht raising his eyebrows at me but i only shake my head to him and he understood.

“ We are” Makarov said who's walking in front of us.

“ Then who are these people?” it made him turn his head before his eyes fell on the others and stop from walking. He blinks a few times before laughing loudly.

“ I forgot to introduce them” he said before laughing again which made me facepalm myself. This guy..really?

Sorry.. but they are my team. We are Team Makarov of Fairytail, Rob, Goldmine, Bob, Porlyuscia and Yajima. I forgot to tell you about them” he said before laughing again. He's crazy..

The job that he choose was an easy one, for me. It's a monster hunt. We all made our way at the place before Makarov speak to the town's mayor about the job request being answered. Soon enough, after waiting for the monster to appear. Makarov looked at me before nodding his head as he and the others engaged in a fight, leaving both Porlyuscia and i at the back. Though seeing them having a bit of hard time, i decided to step up and help them. I was about to summon my sword and use it to kill the monster but i  remember his words about wanting to see my magic, per what Yuri and Warrod has been telling him. Sighing to my self, i changed my stance before using my Dragon Slayer magic. 


A surge of gold magic appeared in front of me before it hits the monster passing through to its body making it scream loudly. The monster fell on the ground with a loud thud making dust fly everywhere. I sighed to myself before turning around, and sees Makarov and the others with their mouth agape. Looking back behind me my eyes fell on the fallen trees. I guess i over did it.. oops.

After completing the job, we made our way back to Magnolia. Makarov had not stop on running his mouth about how amazing my magic is and honestly i can tell that Porlyuscia are also getting annoyed with him. I blocked it out as we continue to head back at the guild. And after that one job, there's more that follows to it. He's always been asking me to join them, although i find it annoying when he runs his mouth, i also can't help it but enjoy their presence. It reminds me of the others back then. But this time, instead of Mavis who's always blabbering some nonsense, it was Makarov. I can't help but smile at the sight in front of me, seeing them all together.

Years after years, i stayed at the guild until everyone had grown up in their adulthood. While i am still the same. Makarov had changed into a great man and i remember the book that Mavis had read that time, the one where she got the name Makarov and named him after them. Turns out, this Makarov are becoming like the one from the book. His arrogant side had vanished and his chatterbox mouth had toned down and he has mature a lot. I was amazed at how great his changes are. Until one time, Precht approach me and telling me his decision to which i have approved of. And at Year X736, when Makarov turns forty. Precht had announced him as the fourth guild master of Fairytail. He was shocked and look at us in surprise, and that's the first time that i witness him shed some tears. It was one of his goal, to become one of  the master of Fairytail.

Not long after he was declared as the new master. Team Makarov has been disbanded. Bob and Goldmine decided to create their own guild. While Yajima joined the Council, Porlyuscia had decided to focus herself on becoming a Medicinal Advisor of the guild and as for Rob, he decided to travel the world. It was a sad moment, watching their team breaking apart and starts to follow their own chosen path. But they all promised to stay in contact with each other even though if it's not about something important.

With Makarov being the new master, Precht and I told him about the Fairy Heart or what we are calling it now to its new name, Lumen Histoiré. He was shocked upon seeing Mavis and Zera there inside the lacrima but i let Precht be the one to explain everything to him. And after a long explanation, Makarov vowed to keep the information to himself until he was breathing. Knowing the reason why i was away for so long, Makarov understand it completely and didn't asked me anything. Instead he busied himself with paperworks, while i hangout alone at the top floor of the guild. It was that time when i found out about another job request board there. But this one is different, there's not much job request posted on it but when i walk at it closer, there's a word ‘ Job Quest’ over it and the prizes are unimaginable. Taking all those three papers with me, i walked inside Makarov's office and telling him that i want to answer those jobs alone. He looked at me in shocked upon seeing which jobs I'm taking but i left him with no room to argue. He let out a heavy sighed as he slumped his back on his chair before looking up to me.

By the end of the week, i was all packed and ready for my own quests. I bid my goodbye on everyone at the guild and they all wish me luck on my journey. The ex- team Makarov are also there, and they all had wished me luck to which i thanked them. Makarov was all silent all that time and when i walked in front of him. He has a sad look on his face. I tried to comfort and cheer him up until i saw a smile appeared on his face. And before i left, i promise him that I'll be back to him soon to which he answered with a promise too. Saying that he will make Fairytail as the number one guild in Fiore. I was taken aback at that but grin afterwards before telling him that i will hold onto his promise and see the result when i came back. I waved at him one last time before i departed and begin my journey.

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