53. RustyRose

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Mirajane and Lisanna stared in horror as they watch the roots around Enlil explodes, engulfing the whole camp with it, they duck a little as it sends a wave of dust everywhere at the impact destroying some of the trees with it. Azuma has a satisfied smirk on his face as he put down his arms, watching as the smoke starts to disappear. But then the smirk on his face disappear once his eyes landed on Enlil who looks like the explosion didn't even harm her. The Strauss sisters stared wide eyed upon seeing Enlil still standing there looking like it didn't bother her since there's not even a scratch on her skin she was just standing there looking all calm, but then their eyes fell on her armor. It has change into a gold one, from head to toe making them sigh in relief seeing that she's fine at all.

“ That was quite an explosion” Enlil spoke, her voice are now void with emotion as she stared at him coldly.

Azuma smirks and there's a glint that appear on his eyes as he let out a laugh before grinning to her.

“ Seems that he's not lying when he said that you can withstand anything then. You have quite made a name for yourself back then and I'd like to witness how the mighty Position Zero, the Dragon Keeper fight against me” he said as the smirk on his face widens.


The air flops on my body as i stare at Azuma seeing the malicious glint on his eyes. My body glow for a bit as i change back to my armor and watch closely for any surprise attack like what he did. If i didn't requip into my dragon form, i might have taken some great damage from the explosion. That attack has a lot of magic on it and if it had hit Lisanna and Mira, they were probably on critical condition right now.

I stare at him directly on his eyes and he was doing the same with me as the wind blew softly on our direction. There's a moment of silence around us, waiting for who will make the first move but as i blink, Azuma flew on my direction and i narrow my eyes on him before doing the same. I take a quick leap and we met at the center as our fist collided on each other sending a shock wave everywhere. I jump away from him before sending a blast of gold which he blocks using some roots.

I landed on the ground in a crouch position and i look up a bit just in time to catch his attack as i pulled a shield in front of me. Though as i tried to hit him with gold lance that i sent on his way, he suddenly merges himself on the tree. My eyes narrowed seeing it happen and not really expecting it. So he can merge himself on trees.. well, in that case..

I took a deep breath before slamming both my hands down on the ground as a huge magic circle appear underneath me. I open my eyes again that is now glowing in gold as i casted another spell.


I yell as the magic circle brighten and it sends a gold wave everywhere. Everything it has touches glowed too as the trees along with the ground got covered in gold turning every trees in the area in complete gold. Just then, Azuma jump out from a tree before it could also turns. He landed on the ground that's covered in gold and glare on my direction causing a smirk to appear on my face.

Seems like i did a good job since it stops him from merging and using the trees roots.

I was about to attack him again when suddenly, there's a blur that appear for a second and takes Azuma with them. I can feel them moving fast and getting away as far as i can't even sense them nearby anymore.

I let out a sigh as i turn around to look at Mira and Lisanna. My eyes fell on their bruises and they were both had injuries on their body though it's nothing so serious. I walk closer to them and helps them up before going at the camp they built, seeing that it was now destroyed i use my power to restore it again and layed them down on the mat to let them rest for a bit as i walk outside and guard them for any intruder that will come. Though as the time passes by of hearing some loud explosions, Levy along with unconscious Gajeel emerges from behind the trees and i was surprised seeing their appearance but i walk to her and helps her carry Gajeel on the mat and lay him down with it.

I asked Levy what happened and she told me that Gajeel fought with one of the Seven Kin of Grimoire Heart. Although he beats them, Gajeel had earned quite a serious damages fighting them and has weakened him before he fell unconscious.

It doesn't take long until the others had arrived as well with injuries on their body. We help them settle down beside the others and now we have Elfman, Evergreen, Gajeel, Mira and Lisanna all injured and unconscious. It was only me and Levy who's guarding the camp since Evergreen had passed out after bringing Elfman here and we also layed her down and then we waited for the others to arrive as well. But then.. my body stiffened upon feeling someone's magic from the trees. I get on my feet catching Levy's attention as she asked me what is it but before i could reply to her, someone emerges from the bush.

I observe the man who's wearing an eyeglasses as he fix it using his pointed finger before turning to look at us.

“ Looks like you two will be the ones I'll devour then” he said as i clench my jaw seeing the same emblem on him.

I turn my head a bit and take a glance at the others all laying on the ground, injured before my eyes fell on Levy. She has a scared look on her face and i quite understand it since these guys are all powerful in their own nature and we have been attacked without even warning.

I took a deep breath and release it afterwards before i turn to her again.

“ Levy..” i calls for her as she jumps a bit, startled. “ Stay with them and let me handle this” i told her and didn't wait for a response as i turn my attention back on the man in front of me who has his eyebrows raise at me, probably hearing what i just said.

I didn't wait anymore as i quickly leaps forward and began attacking him. Though he was moving from side to side swiftly as he avoids all of my attacks that it causes me to gritted my teeth in annoyance. Then just as i was about to attack again, he casted a spell as his arms turn into a beast arm and try to hit me with it.

I jump away from him staring in surprise at his arm, it was like Elfman's  beast soul magic but a lot more different. My eyes narrow as he charges at me and now the table has turned it was him who was trying to hit me now and I'm doing my best to avoid each of his quick movements. My eyes then fell on Levy who's watching from behind him, looking all scared and worried as she stood in front of the camp. Then i was brought back to what's happening in front of me when i felt something hit me on my stomach making me gasp in pain.

“ Don't get all distracted now especially in the battlefield” RustyRose said smirking at me when his fist collided on my stomach sending me a few feet away from him.

I heard Levy calls my name but this time i didn't let myself be distracted especially at a time like this as i glare at him feeling the slight pain on my stomach. That was quite a punch..


Levy watch from the side as Enlil fought against RustyRose. She was worried for the older girl despite of her knowing that Enlil is a strong wizard. She actually haven't seen her fought before and this could be her first time witnessing it so she's quite worried for the girl as she watch how Enlil avoided her enemy's attack after that one when she got distracted for a moment. Levy took a shaky breath before she turn her head slightly and look at their friends behind her.

If only i was strong enough to help them.. She thought to herself as her fist tighten feeling like she was useless when it comes to something like that. She looks up again just in time as she witness RustyRose got sent on a tree making her eyes widen a bit in surprise. Her eyes landed on Enlil who's panting a bit and has a glare on her face. She's wondering what just happened and blink a little as she pull herself together and stay on high alert in case something unexpected happen and force her to intervene.

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