04 Tenrou Island Part 2

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Year X686

It's been seven years since i met Mavis and Zera. For the past few years the both of them helps me with everything. They are kind enough and waited for me patiently to get used about the new things that i haven't had any idea on what it was.

The three of us stayed on Mavis house and made it more lively. The two had grown, Mavis are still gullible but there was some grace when she walks. Zera was still the same shy kid from back then but toned it down when it comes to me. The two has treated me like their big sister figure and i was shocked the first time when Mavis accidentally called me sister for the first time. It was also the first time that i saw her with that kind of shyness as her entire face flushed from the redness. And that day i also become their legal guardian. As a Warrior and a Keeper, i made sure that the island were protected from any harm.

Also all those years i learned about something. I have gained new powers and it's not just any power. It was the same one which Servien used. Those golden things.. Mavis told me once that it was some kind of Slayer magic and because Servien is a dragon, i have now a Dragon Slayer magic. It made me frown when she keeps calling me as Dragon Slayer and i told her that i don't like it and i prefer Dragon Keeper more even though i have those magic that Servien has gave to me before he pushed me inside the dimension. The golden glowing circle from before.. it was his magic, Servien chose me not just to become his Keeper but also as his successor.

A few more days after that, the one day that i didn't get to patrol the island. A small ship arrived at the shore. Mavis and Zera were left at home while i was away and on the other side of the island and out for hunting. Three men came to the island in search for the treasure. I came back that afternoon with the three men inside our home. I was about to attack them when Mavis stop me from doing so. I glared at the three men the whole time they were on the island. As they insist about knowing the location of some Jade Artifact.

Looking down on Mavis, she has a calm look resting on her face as the man with a blonde hair continues to talk. The whole time that Mavis and him are talking the other two man walked outside while i get bored and decided to put away the meat i have found and store it on the food storage. It was then when their voices raised a little that caught my attention as i make my way back to them. The other two guys are also back inside and i heard about founding the Jade artifact only for it to come out as empty. Mavis comes to a conclusion that it might be stolen when Blue skull raided their guild the night we met and i found them.

The three men looks like they are conflicted about something as they keep looking back and forth to me and Mavis, along with Zera. Though Mavis being an adventurous person demanding that they go and help them with the search of Blue skull on exchange of taking us to the mainland. I admit i was surprised and also a bit excited about her decision. I also want to travel the world and i haven't left the island ever since i got here. The three men exchanges some look before a genuine smile appeared on their faces, Mavis was excited on going to the mainland as she goes to her room to pack her things with Zera tailing behind her.

I stayed to where i am standing and look at the three men, observing their features.

“ Who are you?” i asked and the blonde man was the first one to introduce himself.

Yuri, Precht and Warrod that's the name they have given me. They came from a town called Magnolia and they had caught the news about the Blue Skull's attack seven years ago and thought that the island has been abandoned. Soon Mavis and Zera came out with a sack behind them telling us that they are ready. Yuri guide us to their ship. Mavis and Zera were the first one who get inside while i stayed for a bit and just stare at the ship.

I have a bad feeling about this.

As soon as i get up inside the ship.. there's some bubbling inside my stomach and i suddenly felt nauseous making my knees go weak and hit the wooden floor.

What the heck?!

This never happens to me before. Sweat starts to form on my forehead and neck and my vision are getting blurry.

“ Enlil!”

Mavis ran to me as well as Zera, they both help me up but i motion to the edge of the ship since i felt like i was about to throw up. The two guide me there and i heave deeply pushing out my insides in my mouth while someone was rubbing my back. I slumped down on the wooden floor while my breathing was heavy and i felt so weak at the moment.

“ Is she okay?” i open my eyes a bit seeing a worried look on Yuri's face.

“ I think so, this never happens to her before and Enlil was never this weak from what i know her” Mavis told him looking at her worriedly.

“ Could it be because of her magic? Ever since she discovered about it, weird things has been happening to her. Like how hightened her senses are, her eyes having a slit on it and the growing canniness on her mouth next thing we know she might be turning into a huge dragon” Zera said while crossing her arms and raise eyebrow.

Turning into a dragon? Could i possibly do that?

The ship shakes a bit and the nauseous feeling came back. I don't like this one bit. This ship is evil!


Arriving at the harbor on which Yuri had called as Hargeon Town, i was the first one to leave the ship and inhaled deeply the fresh new air. There's a few ships lining at the shore with some small boats sailing at the sea. This town is different.. everything is also different. The houses, they are all made of stones unlike what we have at Goldera and the house  of Mavis parent's. I can see some kids running around and playing together and a smile form on my face.

“ I will go and scout the area for Blue Skull, they might be here or at least someone could point them out to us” Precht said as he and Warrod left together leaving Yuri with us.

Sometime later, both Precht and Warrod came back with the information about Blue Skull residing in Magnolia Town which takes us to head there. Along the way, Mavis has been talking nonstop asking Yuri questions same with Precht and Warrod. Seeing her talk and fooling around, i can tell that she's getting attached. Though i can tell the same thing about the three guys, they all bonded and now calling each others as friends.

It didn't take us long to get to where Magnolia is but as we continue to pass the houses, we noticed the wreckage on some of them making us wonder what happened there. Not until we came to unexpected sight..

“ W..what the heck?!” Yuri exclaimed looking up in horror.

My eyes widen at the sight in front of us. A large skeleton of dragon are dumped on top of Kardia Cathedral, from what i heard of Warrod.

A dragon's skeleton? How did it happen to be here? I thought that dragons has been extinct?

My eyes goes to the wreckage behind and around us. Before my eyes landed back at the bones. Suddenly there was some footsteps and an old man appeared telling us that it was Blue Skull who did all the ruckus and wrecking the houses in Magnolia. But before the old man can continue someone had stabbed them from the back making Mavis and Zera scream in horror. Yuri, Precht and Warrod immediately came into action as the man who killed the old man is one of Blue skull's member. All the ruckus that's happening causes the other members of the said guild to come after us and i have no other choice but to engage in a fight and protect both Mavis and Zera, though Zera has a fire on her hands and throwing them at the ones who wants to get close to them.

I was using my sword and strike them with it when i heard a sudden cry, making me turn my head towards it. Yuri was laying on the ground with bleeding side. A man came out from behind the members, he has a smirk on his face while looking at us. And i find it annoying. He was about to strike Yuri when Precht appeared and saved him before calling for us to retreat. I gave another glance at the man before tightening my hold on my sword and fled with the others.

I'll get back at you soon.

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