an unexpected office visit from a bald headed teacher

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Feli was dreading going home she hated it. All her parents, scratch that, STEP PARENTS did was yell argue and fight.they didn't seem to care about her and if they did they never showed it. She looked at the clock 3:25pm. Great she had another 35min in Greek History. I don't know why this was even a class it's not like i'm gonna use this in real life I mean i'm pretty sure my job application isnt gonna ask who were the titans or what era did the gods rule...

"what about you Feli?" Coach Mac asked"hmm?" I asked.He got red and his vein on his shinny bald head enlarged Erinn turned around"maybe if you would pay attention coach wouldn't have to waste our learning time on repeating himself just cause you couldn't focus" she said smirking I got mad "maybe if you would mind your own damn-..." "LANGUAGE!" Coach yelled.he calmed down a bit "thank you Erinn. As I asked earlier who was the titan who held up the world in Greek mythology?"

I knew the answer it was atlas " someone no one wants to learn, or cares about" I said smugly coach was red again" the answers atlas for your information Feli" he said clearly aggravated "exactly someone who no one cares about or wants to learn about" I replied. He was pissed.

He walked over to my desk and got in my face "you think you're all that huh? With your smart ass remarks and stupid questions..." Everyone was staring. Jaw open wide eyed. But I didn't let it show instead I just smiled innocently and said" you need a breath mint" I swear his vein popped on his shinny valid head

"GET OUT NOW!!!!!!" He yelled I GLADLY got up and walked towards the door but before I closed the door I said

" FYI I was just about to help myself out but thought it was rude to do so while you were talking so I let you give me the order to leave" and smiled " OFFICE...NOW!!!"

I smiled innocently "gladly" and slammed the door. I knew where the office was, I've been there before... Many many MANY times.

I went down the ramp and turned left. I saw the maroon doors and walked in "hi Feli!..." I guess she saw my face cause she frowned"what happened?" I started at her almost wanting to cry"coach Mac..." "oh I see" she nodded and smiled.

Nia understood me maybe not completely but better than most better than me. I sighed I really hated this. "Felicia" Mrs.Gomez our principle said with a smile on her wrinkled face as if I was here for a medal and not my 'behavioral problems' as the teachers would call it. I smiled coldly "it's Feli" I corrected her "Felicia can you please come in my office to discuss what happened in coach Macs class" clearly ignoring my comment of what I just said.

I rolled my eyes and walked into her very organized office. Neat freak! I thought "of and nianne" nia looked up at her from her paper work "next time don't be so friendly towards Felicia here" she said pointing at me "Mrs.Gomez?" The principle stopped and turned to nia "it's Nia" nia smiled politely

" you teenagers and your damn nicknames!! I will call you by what your mother put on your birth certificates!"

I flinched when she said mother. I didn't have one. The one I had was a sorry excuse of one trying to make up for my real one. Mrs.Gomez pushed me into her office and slammed the door shut. She sat down in her brown mahogany chair.

She smiled and gestured for me to sit on the sofa by the door "no thanks I don't plan on staying long" I said she gave me an icy glare. She pursed her lips that had on WAY too much red lipstick.

She wore a womens suit her dark brown hair up in a tight bun and her bright blue eyes highlighted with white my opinion she honestly looked like a white trash hoe in a light brown suit. "Felicia-" "Feli" she rolled her eyes "you can't keep up this behavior" she said softly

"I don't know what you mean" I replied she gave a heavily sigh "why don't you tell me what happened in your previous class" I just smiled and said no She looked around her desk and found a note pad and pen.

She quickly write down a number and handed it to me. I looked at it and saw the writing. Dr. Ainsley 830-469-5803 (fake number) " Felicia I know your were young when your parents died but you can't keep up this I, Don't-Care attitude-

" I cut her off " first don't talk about my parents second I really don't give a fuck. This school my house you the damn teachers everyone in this school can go to hell for all I care!!!"

I was at my breaking point. I ran out of there as fast as I could tears blurring my vision God I was weak! "FELI" I heard nia yell but I didn't stop. I kept on running.

Away from the school, the officers, the teachers, but must of all away from my worries and problems.

A/N guys please vote and/or comment! I would really like to get up to ten reads 5 comments and 4 votes... It's not alot to ask for. Other than that enjoy the story and keep reading!!! :)

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