the grey eyed woman and a slutty waitress

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Chapter 2

As I ran away from the school I saw some familir buildings, McDonalds, sonic, Whatburger, JC'S etc... I decided to grab a burger. I had about $50 in my pocket. Ya ya ya why so much lose change?

Well I have my connections on how to get money... in other words I sold my body for money. And only $50 you should have more you say? Well I have to give all of it to my step dad... Originally I made $9,000 but my step dad only granted me $50. Well whatever. I started walking towards JC'S.

I opened the doors and a bell rang. I looked around and picked an empty both at the far end of the room. I sat down and scooted till I was pressed against the window. A teenage girl about 17 came up and took my order. Her high pitch voice was very annoying the whole time I placed my order she smacked her bubble gum and blew big pink bubbles. I guess she thought it was cute or attractive cause when I told her that smacking your gum loudly in peoples faces was annoying she just rolled her green eyes and left to the kitchen. Using this time to think without an annoying blonde bimbo smacking her gum in my face I thought of my life and it's problems.

As the waitress brought my food I looked around the restaurant and saw that there was mostly older couples and seniors. I saw young girl with fiery red hair and blue eyes.she had freckles scattered on her face and her hair was wavy. She was wearing a green dress knee length and silky.

I saw her order a cup of coffee and I smiled she reminded me of nia. Oh nia I was so mad that I didn't even say bye to her.oh gosh I hope she forgives me.

I took a bite of my burger and fries. I sighed and started thinking of what I would do after this. Go home? No. wander around? Maybe. Call up nia and apologize? Yes. I somehow knew I wouldn't do any of those. But I didn't quite know why... I got lost in thought till a lady interrupted me. "hello my dear" she said.

Her words flowing smoothly like silk. "umm hello? Who are you?" I asked only cause she seemed familiar but I couldn't quite place who she was. "why you should know."she asked surprised. As if the answer was obvious. I

took a closer look at the lady sitting across from me. She had dark brown hair wavy down to her shoulders. Her eyes are what stood out the most. They were gray, but not just any gray. All sorts of gray. Dark gray, light gray, billowing gray but mostly stormy gray.

They were cloudy like well like a storm. Like mini storms were in her eyes. She had an athletic build tall, slim, long legs, and tan skin. It was weird cause she looked a little like me.. Ok a lot like me.

Realization hit me hard and I almost cried. For joy of who she was and of hatred of who she was. "m-mom?" I finally choked out.

She smiled. A friendly, heart warming smile. The waitress came and gave me the bill with an icy glare. I was about to pay when this mom paid. The waitress took the money and left. When I looked back at the waitress she had her top open, puffing out her flat chest on the counter and flirting with a guy.

She had her hands on his chest laughing like he was the funniest person in the world. Slut. I thought.

I looked at my mum but she wasn't there. Instead there was $200 and an envelope with a gray owl seal on the middle closing it. I looked around for her but she wasn't there. I sighed I had found my mum and lost her within 10 min.

Great. Way to go Felicia! I didn't have much of an appetite so I left flicking the dumb slutty waitress off. I walked out of the diner and saw nia in the drivers seat of a red Ferrari. Damn nice ride nia!! "Get in now!!!" She yelled.

I quickly ran to the passengers side and closed the door. "nia what's going on?" I asked "gods I was so stupid! I should've brought you sooner!" She muttered "nia what's going on?

Where are we going?" I was desperate for answers. "we're going somewhere for people like us" she said oh great that cleared everything up note the sarcasm. I was about to ask more questions but what I saw made me shut up. I was pretty sure I was going to have nightmares about this.

It was just horrible and when it looked at me with it's piercing green reptilian eyes it made me freeze. I was paralyzed from shock and horror. Petrifying horror.

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