pony men and liquid butter bars

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when I woke up I was in a bed I tried sitting up but failed. A guy my age maybe even older handed me a glass. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was till there was nothing but ice left. I had expected it to be tea but it tasted like my friend Shirleys homemade butter bars. Yum. " how do you feel?"

The boy asked I smiled " like I could run 10 miles" I said. he chuckled a light deep chuckle. "where am I?" I asked nervously.

The boy smiled his blue eyes shined with mischief. "you're at the infirmary.. Oh and by the way i'm storm" he said I blushed storm what a great name. "and what's yours?" He asked his voice smoothly and silky. " Felicia but everyone calls me Feli" I rushed out. He opened his mouth as if to say something but then heard house hooves. I looked toward the sound but only saw an older man with eyes that radiated wisdom. "ch-chiron" storm stammered. The man, chiron smiled "storm would you mind checking on our oracle?"

"n-no" storm ran off with that. I watched him run out of the infirmary an head to go check up on the oyster? No oracle or something like that. "my dear can you tell me what you saw?"

Oh man now he's gonna think i'm crazy. "I saw this giant snake lady or lizard thingy. She came after my friend Nia and I..." Nia oh God nia. I hadn't thought of her yet! What if she was in trouble or captured or even worse! What if she was de- NO! I refused to think that. "my dear what happened next. This is important and will help find your friend ni-"he was cut off by the sound of the infirmary doors bursting open. The girl came running over looking around frantically.

the girls back was to me but when she turned around I gasped. She looked at me and I stared back. Before I knew it I was jumping off my bed and rushing into her arms hugging her tightly.

"nia! What happened?" I said but it came out only as a whisper. She pulled away but held my shoulders "oh my God Feli are you crying?!?" I wiped my eyes unknowingly crying "no its this new thing called peeing through my eyes" I said still having tears run down my cheek. She pulled me in again hugging me resting her chin on my left shoulder. I could see her crack a smile " you don't even seem fazed by all this" I sighed "what can I do besides accept it. I mean arguing won't change it and denying it will just delay the fact that i'm possibly a half blood" she stared at me shocked

"h-how d-did y-you how did you know?" She was in shock "I put two and two together and came up with this theory. It was the only one that made some sort of sense but had little logic in it I knew it was a long shot but I decided to take a chance" chiron smiled as if this was usual but the shock on Nia's face told me otherwise. I looked over at chiron and noticed he was pretty tall maybe even taller than average. I looked down at him and saw hooves. In fact his whole lower half was a white stallion

"you're a pony?" Rude I know but I was shocked and my ADHD doesn't make it any better. Chiron frowned

"i'm a centaur young half blood and i'm a horse not a pony" with that he walked/galloped away. He stopped for a second "Ohh and uh nia I expect you to show umm.." I smiled "Feli" he frowned "your real name" he looked straight into my eyes and it felt like he was looking into my soul "Felicia"

he sighed and looked at me "its Alicia chiron" he smiled sorta "thank you my dear. nianne I expect you to show Alicia here camp and how everything works" then he galloped out of the building. "sure. Come on" she said grabbing my arm and leading me out of the infirmary.

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