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Ok guys, my reads have been good but my votes and comments are low. Especially comments. Please guys comment, and vote. I won't be posting any more chapters for the next month or two :/ sorry. But STAAR testings going this Tuesday ( as of 4-2-13) and I really need to study. I have the next two chapters ready and I'll continue making more chapters. I won't publish them till I have at least 5 votes and comments, and 8 reads. I mean come on guys it's not alot! I'm not asking for y'alls liver i'm asking you to hit the vote button, and spare 10 seconds of your life saying Good Chapter Can't Wait For The Next One or Hated This Chapter Too Boring or something! please comment and vote guys!! And I want to say thanks to all the readers out there. I mean 154 reads!!! That's sick! :) its not alot like other stories but its a start and you need a start to end. (probally doesn't make, sense but it sounded good in my head) the next few chapters hold some secretes and what the letter had. one of the chapters says who her godly parent is, and some more about Feli's past. Like who her brother is. What happened to her real dad etc.. Ok so that's it thank you and wish me luck on my Oh-So-Important-STAAR- Test!

once again thanks. And don't forget to hit the vote button, and comment what you think!

Bye have a great day my sassy little carrots :)

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