The Dream The Letter and The Body

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~~ Feli ~~

She walked into the bathroom and left me alone. Great. She hates me. She thinks i'm some sort of psycho girl who voluntarily makes herself throw up.

I sighed I wanted to cry but I stopped feeling emotions six years ago when my brother died. The thought of him gone brought tears to my eyes.

I quickly blinked them, back and laid on the bed. I looked around and saw posters of celebrities on their walls. Few of the guys had Megan Fox, or Kailey Cuoco. Most of the girls had One Direction posters and Justin Bieber.

Now don't get me wrong I love both of them I mean i'm a directioner and all - the bathroom door opened and,I pretended to be asleep. I heard rustling and shuffling but I didn't dare open my eyes the bathroom door opened and closed again. But before I knew it I was asleep.


"daddy stop" I whispered cowering and hiding my face. " YOU SLUT!!" I was biting my lip to keep from crying " daddy please you're hurting me" he griped harder on my wrist and brought up a hand. SMACK! That was going to leave a bruise. he let go of me and threw me to the floor. He crouched down and whispered

" you pathetic whore. You're mine and only mine. Goodbye my angel" with that said he kicked my ribs and dragged me up by my hair he punched me then threw me against the wall and left.

My body hit the ground with a thud and I slowly let the tears fall down my now bruised cheek. I sat up and brought my knees to my chest. I buried my head in the small gap between my knees and chest.

I could feel my whole body shaking. I sobbed a body racking sob. I was like this for about an hour till I felt sleepy.

I don't know what I did this time but I knew it wasn't that bad because tonight beating was light.

I walked over to the oval mirror that hung on my beige chipped walls. My reflection was pretty good considering I was just hit or as my step dad calls it "tough love". I sighed and went to my drawer and pulled out some shorts and a tank top. I changed and walked over to my bed.

I pulled up the covers and tried falling asleep but found it impossible. The death of my brother was recent.

about a week ago the funeral in days. when I found out my brother committed suicide I broke down in tears.

I sobbed.

Heart wrenching sobs. I couldn't breath I couldn't move I couldn't think I couldn't feel I was basically dead. In fact I wished I was. My brother was basically my twin despite our 7 year difference.

I remember my step dad saying " he was good and smart but if he was stupid enough to kill himself he deserved what he got

" I remember my hatred for my step dad grew. I wanted to kill him. My mum being the dumb Bitch she is just agreed and nodded. I sobbed even more thinking of that subject. I remember trying to kill myself that night. I overdosed and had to be hospitalized despite my step fathers constant pleads of

'she's acting'

'she just fell asleep' and

'she's better of dead' I don't know exactly what happened but the result was I was alive and hospitalized.

After that the beatings were less severe cause my mum was worried and didn't want a dead daughter...especially not after her only son committed suicide. I think my mum took the death of my brother hard, really hard.

She would cry constantly for days. She never changed, showered, ate, or kept up with her hygienic needs.she was a wreck, a big nasty, smelly wreck. But I guess I shouldn't be the one to talk cause I was much worse.

See when I got the news at school ( what a great time to tell me) I died. I was basically dead, and I still am. I never wanted to do anything. I never did anything, just like my mum. The only difference was I never snapped out of it. I kept sobbing and then the door to my room opened. My mum.

She was usual. She sat down and hugged me. She was crying and I just rubbed her back. She burped and laughed.

" here you go!! That'll be $1.50" she giggled. I took the item from her hand and stared at it. She got up and stumbled away while slamming the door. I read the title To My Little Sister.

I gasped and couldn't breath. I was shaking and crying all over again.

I slowly opened the letter and began to read what my dead brother wrote.


I felt someone shaking me and I bolted up and punched something. I heard a cry of pain and a door slam.

I was scared I thought my step dad had found me. My eyes opened and a bunch of girls and some boys crowded around me. I felt panicky. My breaths were short and fast. I felt the walls closing in on me.

" GET HER A WET CLOTH, AND WATER... NOW!!!" I looked around and felt scared. I was shaking, and my hands were numb. I was crying and my heart was pounding fast and loud like a drum. A girl my age came up to the bed and sat down " no no no no no" I whispered. "Feli calm down.

Everythings going to be all right. You just had a nightmare." I felt my heart slow down and my breaths evened out

" good just take long deep breaths" I did as she said and felt calmer. a guy with bed hair came up and gave me a glass of water.

I grabbed it and drank it all. I felt ok again and tired. I remembered my dream and became scared. "long deep breaths"

I slowed my breathing down and nia came into view. " Feli Someones going to take you back to Hermes cabin ok?"

I nodded and signed.

The same boy who gave me the water picked me up bridal style and continued to walk. When we were out the door I clung to his neck to keep from falling. He chuckled and I could feel it as I was against his chest

" you wanna tell me what happened back there?" He asked, his voice deep and raspy. "it was a panic attack. It was nothing it happens all the time." He looked down and stopped " that wasn't nothing. You punched an Aries kid in the jaw" I was confused "what? I thought I was in the conceited cabin?"

My hand flew to my mouth and I looked up. "i'm sorry that's not what I meant. I was just saying that most of-" I was cut off with a large hand covering my mouth "shh!!" He whispered. I immediately shut up.

I heard a rustle and clung to the guy. He started running. Fast. We reached my cabin and opened it without knocking.

Someone turned on the lights and I screamed. Every single person in the cabin had weapons drawn and pointed at us. Scott looked skeptical and hushed looked pissed. "this is so not what it looks like"

I said the guy put me down and started to explain what happened. Most of them put their weapons away others went back to bed. "ok fine ill let you sleep here for tonight " Scott said. Someone brought an extra sleeping bag and Ziall which I learned his name was went to the corner they assigned him to sleep at.

I went to my sleeping bag and curled up.

I felt something hard and I saw my back pack with a note attached to it 'Your Welcome' From: Nia.

I smiled and dug through my bag as silently as possible and found the thin light object I was looking for. I brought it out and opened the envelope as I did the first time I had received it.

Scott turned off the lights but the Moon gave some and shined down on the letter. I began to read it and it wasn't long before I was crying.

I quickly stopped when I felt someone hug me and a theirbody pressed against mine.

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