cabin 11 and piggy back rides

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When we were out of the infirmary I looked around. Nia hopped on my back and pointed at random things explaining what they were.

"and that's the lava rock climbing wall" she said. I looked where sure pointed and saw a girl climbing but she fell due to the lava spewing out. She got up brushed herself off and kept climbing.

She pointed towards the cabins which were in a,U shape. We walked er well I walked and she sat towards the first cabin. Zues. She explained about two kids living here one the daughter of Zues the other the son of Jupiter (Zues' Roman form) the daughter uh... Thalia? Was a hunter for Artemis and the son on a mission in Greece with some other demigods.Zues' cabin was like a huge white block.

The door was like a holographic.

At different angles you could see lightening bolts and inside it would thunder. We went to cabin two and explained that it was honorary to Hera since she didn't have any kids. It was exactly like Zues' but more feminine. There were peacocks carved into the walls and into the door. Three was huge not as huge as cabin one and two but still pretty was long and low.

The walls were a rough gray and there was six bunk beds. The walls were decorated with coral and bits of seashell you could almost smell the sea.the walls seemed to glow...literally. there was a fountain in the back a trident next to one of the bunks. On one of the shelves a horn in a shoe box.

"its Percy's" Nia said barely above a whisper. "Percy?" Nia explained to me about him. He saved olympus, camp, destroed Kronos, was sent to another camp with amnesia etc... "wow" I was really impressed by this dude. He retrieved Zues' master bolt when he was only twelve!

We saw cabin four. Demeters cabin. Demeters cabin was beautiful. Just plain out gorgeous! It was like a mini cottage.

It was made out of mud but painted a cherry green color. The bunks were in branches of trees that lined the wall. tomato vines grew along the wall and a mini garden was in the middle of the room.

The garden held various things, roses, Aloe Vera, strawberries, sunflowers, and many other things I probally couldn't name. There was a rose bush on their porch and other parts of the cozy room. I looked down and saw that the ground was grassy, like a grassy carpet.

The roof was also grassy...literally! It was made up of real living organic grass! I, wonder what would happen if it rained.

Would it soak through? We moved on to cabin five and almost wished we hadn't. The door had a nasty paint job. Like somebody threw a bucket of pain and smashed it with fist and buckets. The door was lined with barb wire and a boars head hung there.

The eyes following whoever dared intrude or pass by. Nia hesitantly opened the door and saw a bunch of big burly mean looking kids arguing and arm. wrestling. Nia quickly closed the door and scurried away to cabin six.

Athena goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. The building was nothing fancy. It was silvery grey plain white curtins..

The thing that caught my eye was that all the bunks, beds were pushed together in a corner as if sleeping didn't matter. In the back was a GIGANTIC book shelf. Each shelf held at least a hundred books each. There was a table with architectural things on it and 3-D buildings.

The walls were hung with ancient scrolls and prophecies. An owl was carved in the door and its onyx eyes following anyone who entered.

We exited cabin six and walked to cabin seven. Strangely I felt sadness as we left. Like I should be with those brainiac kids studying and reading. Cabin seven.Apollo. It looked rather normal. White columns facade etc...

The beds were pushed up against a wall like the Athens cabin. On one side was a HUGE amp with bass guitars, drums, acoustic guitar, and any other instruments you could name. In the far back you could see a, medical center.

White cots, and any medical supply you could ever need. There was a bookshelf half empty with poems and prophecies. a ray of sunlight hit the inside and I almost went blind. The room looked like it was, made of gold.

I couldn't see so I ran out with nia hot on my trail. We stood there for a minute getting our vision back blinking rapidly trying to get the white spots out. We slowly walked to cabin eight.Artemis.

It was silvery and neat. In the walls were engravements of hunting scenes and Artemis or her maidens. On one of the bed post was a bow with dozens of silver arrows. We walked out and went to cabin nine.Hephaestus. Inside was like a mini factory. There were smokestacks and mini forges. The beds were pushed up against the was just like Athena's and Apollos.

There was oil and lose bolts and screws every where. The cabin was made out of brick and I was pretty sure there was more to this room than what you could see. I didn't like this place. Reminded me too much of my step dad.

I walked out quickly. And went to cabin ten. I walked in and almost barfed. There was pink everywhere!!! hearts were engraved in the walls and columns. The beds occupied one side of the room with fancy silk sheets.

On the other side of the room were rows of mirrors and two cabinets full of make up. Their closet was full of different clothes that could probally transform into anything they wanted to wear. Roses grew up the walls and their graceful columns. Nia walked in and changed into an orange Camp Half Blood t-shirt.

She grabbed a make up kit and went over to the many mirrors. She perfected her make up and checked for any flaws.she looked over at me and smiled. She put her things away and styled her hair.

Aphrodites cabin was one pink large square with make up and roses. Yuck!!!! I ran out with nia behind me and her hair half curled.We ran to cabin eleven. The door had a caduceus symbol.A winged pole with two snakes wrapped around it. The inside actually looked like a summer cabin an old one.

The brown paint was peeling and from what nia told me it was unusual that the cabin wasn't cramped and crowded.

" this is where you'll be staying till your godly parent claims you" she said "claim me?" I said she smiled " its when your Olympian parent sends a sign saying they're your parent" I guess she saw the look on my face cause she laughed "you're such a blonde. If you're Aphrodites Kid a dove holographic will appear above your head. Hermes a caduceus and Poseidon a trident" I laughed cause I was so stupid we walked out while laughing about my blondeness despite being a brunette.

Cabin twelve was the nicest one, nicer than Aphrodites -though I will never say that to their faces- it was like a small villa with fat green and purple grapes everywhere.

You could smell the sour taste of wine through the window and on the far right corner there was a fountain that would produce any kind of drink, told by nia- including wine but was restricted by Mr.D and underage kids. We walked out and nia caught me by surprise "ok cabin 13 and we're done!!!!" Cabin 13?"

She just smiled and walked toward the cabin with me at her side. when we arrived I wanted to cower in a hole. Nia looked paler. We walked in and saw that there were no was completely black.

Black beds, black walls, black ceiling, and black floors. The stairs were made up of skulls and bones. It smelt like dirt death and torture.I saw one person in there. She had olive skin, bright hazel eyes, and jet black hair that almost looked purple. She wore black Jeans and a, red top which stood out like an elephant in a mouse field. She looked up from her book and smiled she saw nia and sneered "what are you doing here?" Nia smiled and left me hot on her heals.

I noticed the evens were the male cabins which were on the right, the females on the left which were odd numbers. Nia walked me back to cabin eleven and some dude was in there... Shirtless!!

All I could think was DAAAAAMMMMNNNNN HE WAS HOT!!!

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