Rachel And My Mum

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I turned around to see who was hugging me and saw a peaceful looking Ziall. I tried moving but his grip hardened and didn't let me. I squirmed a bit and managed to put the letter up. I laid there not knowing what to do ' you go to sleep idiot' my brain screamed I sighed and turned so I was facing away from Ziall and on my side. I snuggled into his chest and tried to sleep.

After ten minutes of trying to sleep Ziall began to talk. ' Mary please nothings going to hurt you. I promise. I won't let it happen' I turned and faced him. His perfect face was now tear streaked and his hair messy. "Ziall" I whispered hoping to wake him up. " Ziall" I say louder

' Mary please i'm begging you to stay ' " Ziall" I practically yell. I shake him but its no use. I dig through my backpack as much as I can without hurting myself. I find a bit of water and pour it on his face "I'M UP!!!"

I cover his mouth with my hand "shh!" I whisper yell. "why'd you wake me?" he said angrily " you were talking in your sleep" I say "liar" he said turning the other way I hesitantly put my hand on his shoulder "who's Mary?"

He tensed at her name. " how do you know that name?" He said barely above a whisper " like I said you talk in your sleep" he turned around facing me. His face was sulky and long. " she was a good friend a really nice person who had a terrible fate" he said. I left it at that and tried sleeping again this time successful.

I heard an air horn blow and shot up. I looked and saw Scott with an air horn by my ear smiling. I groaned and face planted into my pillow. He threw water on me and I screamed. I looked and no one was in the cabin but him and me.

"where is everybody?" I asked getting up "they went to breakfast about an hour ago" I was shocked "I overslept by an hour?"

I asked heading to the bathroom to shower "no you overslept by three hours" I choked on the mouthwash I was rinsing with " WHAT!?! " I screeched he chuckled " its ok if you hurry you can still catch breakfast"

he said while walking out of the cabin. I jumped in the shower and realized I had no extra clothes to change into. I rinSed my body and grabbed a red towel. I wrapped it around my body and saw a orange Camp Half Blood T-shirt with some white skinny Jeans. I changed into the clothes and walked out the cabin.I headed to the big house and saw chiron. " Ahhh Alicia I would like you to meet someone.

Rachel this is Alicia. Alicia this is Rachel, our oracle" I smiled and shook her hand. She had crazy curly red hair, green eyes and freckles everywhere. She was pretty " so who's your godly parent?" I asked

"oh no i'm actually hu-" she froze. Her eyes glazed over and turned bright green. They seemed to be glowing WE NEED A CHAIR..NOW!!!" Chiron ordered. A couple of boys held a three legged stool and looked at Rachel expectantly. She opened her mouth and green mist poured out.

" I am the spirit of Delphi speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus and Apollo slayer of the mighty Python."

The voice want Rachel's it sounded so old and raspy and not old like 90 old like centuries of centuries old. Rachel continued to speak "Beauty is to be set free let loves wings guide you. A feathered girl of a troubled past, through a maze to a valley west of the forge. The doves daughter as a guide home"

with that she fell onto the stool and the boys caught her. "uh what did I say now?" She groaned

"you don't remember what you said? With the green smoke and eyes and - and " she shook her head. Suddenly everyone gasped and soon their was a crowd. Everyone whispered and some snickered.

Ziall came jogging up " hey what's going on? Oh" he burst out laughing "welcome to the family" he yelled hugging me I looked up and saw what looked like a holograph with a dove in it. I screamed knowing what it meant. I looked down and screamed even louder. Could this day get any worse?

" All hail Alicia Rivas daughter of Aphrodite goddess of love and beauty" chiron kneeled and so did everyone else. I ran to hermes cabin crying. I went to the bathroom and started sobbing. My reflection was horrible. My face was flawless no acne, my hair was done perfectly curled, and I had a dress.

It was long and a creamy white. It was a V Neck dress with a blue necklace and blue bracelet. I had perfect makeup that brought out my grey eyes. I looked up after crying for ten minutes straight. My eyes were still perfect n they weren't puffy or red like they should've been. "Feli?"

It was nia " go away I look hideous" I screamed "that's not true you look gorgeous" I sobbed harder.

I tried scrubbing my face with water and a towel "that's not gonna work" I looked and saw Ziall I groaned and cried even more "your lucky ya know? Rarely gives out her blessing, especially not to just anyone" I stared at him

" lucky? LUCKY!?!?! THIS IS NOT LUCKY THIS IS A NIGHTMARE! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!! IF SHE LOVED ME SO MUCH WHY'D SHE DO THIS!?!?!?!?!?!" He frowned "why do you hate her so much?" I glared at him

" first I don't hate her I loathe her maybe even more than loathe. second love has brought me no where.third I don't want to be labeled as conceited and narcissistic. Fourth I loathe love. Fifth i'm total opposite. Y'all like fashion and shopping and stuff like that. I hate that stuff. I'd rather work on a car than shop, skin a deer than wear a dress etc... " he gasped "you hate love?"

I nodded I walked out and borrowed Mandi's Jeans and shirt. I changed and tried to put my hair up... Tried.

I walked out and headed for chiron. I saw him and jogged towards him. " look you and I and everybody else know i'm not Aphrodites daughter, so there's no way in Tartarus that i'm staying in their overly pink cabin" he frowned "my dear I can't change the rules" "chiron please! There has to be something!"

I begged he shook his head "I'd rather be Kronos' slave than stay there" the sky rumbled and thunder flashed " careful what you say names are powerful here" I nodded my head "you should be worried about other things then staying in your cabin" he said "like what?" " first the quest and who you're going to pick.

Then training here for a week"

I nodded and walked back to hermes cabin

I bumped into Storm and fell " i'm so so sorry please don't be mad at me for getting your clothes dirty!" I got up and shrugged it off " it's ok I don't mind getting dirty" he looked confused " i'm not an Aphrodites girl"

I said "but she just claimed you?" I growled "I don't care i'm not her stupid daughter" he chuckled " ok ok I believe you plus most would slap me for getting there clothes dirty" I shook my head

"Nah I don't mind but do you work on cars?" He nodded " good!" "why?" He asked " cause i'm visiting Hephaestus' cabin to ask for parts of cars so I can build one" he burst out laughing "riiiggghhhhttttt"

I stared at him " oh you're serious"

I rolled my eyes and walked towards their cabin. Storm caught up with me and we started talking about different types of cars and their models. We were laughing when something pink poofed in front of us. A woman about 25 stood before us. She was breathtakingly beautiful.

She had a perfect white smile and all different colored eyes.

Storm looked dumbfounded I slapped his arm and he looked confused.

" Aphrodite" I sneered

"daughter!!!" She said way too happily.

I looked at her and wanted to punch that stupidly perfect smile off her flawless face.

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