self doubt and a punch

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** Josh **

Her lips were soft and delicate. Like a rose pedal I thought. I pulled away smiling. Her face was blank.

Oh gods she didn't like the kiss.

One tear two tears and finally a third.

I went to wipe 'em away but she beat me to it. She jumped off my bed and ran, practically sprinting out of the cabin. Oh gods what have I done? Did she even like me? What if she thought of me as only a friend?

But she kissed me back that has to mean something right? I mean you don't kiss someone you hate or dislike.

Unless you're trying to make someone jealous. But who would she like I mean she's been here a whole freaking 6 hours!! and wouldn't you kiss in front of the person you're trying to make jealous?

Ugh girls are confusing! I smiled. She shared something personal with me. I knew she was going to share more but I couldn't resist not kissing her. I just wanted her pain to go away. No one should've gone through that.

Especially not her. She was delicate, soft, precious... Just like a rose. But she was my rose.

My precious delicate rose.

** Storm **

I was laughing at something that Ruben said about Mandy. She looked beyond pissed but he just hugged her and whispered something in her ear. She smiled and gave him a peck on the lips.

Which quickly formed into a make out session. yuck! But I couldn't help but think what Feli's lips would taste like.

Probally delicious like sweet chocolate. Gods I wanted to kiss her! I saw her running actually more like sprinting towards us.

Well Nia in particular. She said something to her and then they both took off running towards Aphrodites cabin. shortly after Josh came back walking slowly looking very sulkish. I put two and two together and walked over to him. I grabbed his shirt collar and dragged him to my cabin.

I looked at him. "what?" I stared at him "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MAKE HER CRY!?!?!" He was now angry "nothing so shut up and but out!" His face was red." What. Did." I said slowly gritting my teeth.

his fist were balled at his sides. "I said but out!" He was practically yelling at this point. "not until you tell me what happened" I said calming down. "why do you care so much?"

I stared at the statue of my dad "you like her.." His eyes doubled in size. he gave me a look of disgust "look she's mine ok so don't try anything" he said "I don't take orders from anybody ok. And i'm not the one who made her cry today am I? And just stand back while you try to get her? Fat chance. I won't let her get her heart broken. Especially not by you. After all you do dump girls within a week of dating them"

I sneered at him. His face fell. Then he smirked " look why don't you go back to you're whore of a girlfriend and stay away from Feli!?" He was grinning now.

"like I said I won't let her get get heart broken especially by you"

with that said I punched him square in the jaw and left him there in my cabin on the floor

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