my vision goes hazy

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Nia floored the pedal at full speed. The thing was hot on our tales. She -I was guessing by the tone of her voice- was yelling in Greek . She kept yelling something about demigod lunch our something.

Nia was crying, the tears were ruining her once perfect makeup. I kept asking her questions but she would just ignore them. The giant lizard lady , that I decided on since..well she looked like a giant lizard, threw a black SUV at us. Nia barely had time to swerve away. I was shaking.I could feel it.

The lizard lady was gaining on Nia turned onto a dirt road that I have never seen before in New York. To the right of me was a strawberry field.

There was hundreds of rows of them, I could smell the fresh strawberries through the window. The lizard lady was about 15 feet away from us and nia was pressing hard against the pedal. Up above I could see a hill with a tree a huge tree.

An arch was next to it and we were about 30 feet away from it. The lizard lady was a couple, of feet away from the car. I suddenly had a plan.

The lizard lady was in arms length when I told nia "brake" she gave me a crazy look "BRAKE!" She braked and the lizard lady kept running at us she didn't seem to see what I was doing till it was to late.

She hit the car and flew ahead. "we need to get inside the border" nia said panicky "what?" She exhaled slowly "the arch... Get inside." I was full of adrenaline "what about you?",I said sadly "just go" "but-" "GO!" She yelled.

I opened the door and ran to the arch. I looked at where the lizard lady landed and saw that she was getting up. I ran faster, faster than I ever had before. the lizard got up and saw me she smiled and her teeth very sharp pointy teeth showed. She flicked her tongue a forked tongue. "young demigod surrender now and I will make your death easy and quick" the lizard said. I stopped running

"uh no thanks"I said she Gave another teethy smile that made me shiver "do not fear me wisdoms daughter I will not harm you...hmmm maybe. Being the great enchdina!" She bellowed greatly.

I was confused because i'm pretty sure enchdina was an anteater "you mean the anteater?" She yelled "ackk I told them I told them not to name that stupid animal..." While she kept talking I used the time to run for the arch. 10 feet, 8 feet, 5 feet, thump thump thump thump! Now I made the mistake of looking back and saw the anteater/lizard lady got on my heels.

I sprinted to the arch and tripped on a stupid rock. The lizard lady advanced towards me. I felt my head and saw red sticky blood on my hand. Great. With my luck I would probally faint next. The lizard thing was walking very slowly towards me as if she was teasing me.I was still on the ground when I realized I had to move away or I was anteater meat. I slowly army crawled my way to the arch

occasionally looking back only to see the lizard close behind. I was only a foot away when anteater tried picking me up. "oh come on dearie let me eat you. Just a bite.." She whined I threw a rock at her and got up "no thanks I'd rather not"I said before diving in the arch.

I heard the thing roar in rage and saw my vision go hazy before I blacked out.

AN: sorry for the short chapter but I had to go somewhere and I couldn't bring my phone :( plz vote comment any questions and follow! I'll update tomorrow after school. I try to update everyday when I can. I'll only post AN if necessary so look out for them :) bye my little carrots!!

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