chapter one

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01 x breakfast conversing


"You know, this spider-guy is all over the news," Steve was pointing out as I was having a serious issue getting my pancake to flip properly.

Being with the Avengers for almost three months now, I had figured I may as well broaden some horizons. Don't ask me why I chose pancakes, because even I am not sure, but hey, apparently it's harder than it looks. And Pietro's frequent (yet muffled) snickering was not at all helpful to my cause.

He may have found the process humorous, but he certainly didn't mind the outcome. He ate more than half the pancakes I made out of every batch. I'd once made the mistake of asking him where he put it all, which launched Vision into a rant about how Pietro had fast metabolism and needed to eat a lot. I'm not kidding when I say rant. I don't understand half of what Vision said, but it lasted at least half an hour.

"You mean Spider-Man?" Clint asked from his position on the counter. He'd been spending less time at the Tower lately, but there had been an incident last night involving some Chitauri tech and Wall Street, so he'd slept over. "Kid looks pretty impressive," the archer shrugged before shoveling another spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

"I like his friend," I said (more to myself than anything) right as Steve asked, "What makes you think he's a kid?"

Clint and I both gave the captain a pointed look, but I let Clint answer. "He makes snarky comments when he fights. Heard a few of 'em on the news stations," Clint shrugged. "Don't think anyone else has the energy to do that except kids."

"From his size I'd guess he's younger than me," was the answer I volunteered, before successfully flipping one pancake. Pietro mock-applauded across from me, a jovial look on his face.

Steve hummed, seeming to accept both Clint and I's assessments as legitimate, before actually turning away from the television and looking to me. "Did you mean the girl?" he asked, referring to my earlier comment. "She wears green and black spandex, right?"

I nodded, biting my lip as I tried to maneuver the spatula under the next pancake. "Terra," I informed him. "She's not on the news as often, but she's definitely there. They make a pretty wicked team. She does stuff with plants . . . and things . . ."

Pietro looked to Steve then, "They both seem highly impressive. Do you think they are enhanced?"

Steve shrugged. "I don't know what they are. But you're right - they're very impressive." He turned his attention back to the flatscreen then, right as Terra rocked some poor thief's world, twisting a giant vine around him, before Spider-Man swung in and webbed the guy's mouth shut. I watched for a split second, half-smiling when I saw the duo high-five, before I returned my attention to the pancakes.

"They handle small-time criminals," Clint added then.

I was plating a few of my pancakes (I had to smack Pietro's hand away twice) as I nodded. "Though there is that one guy that hates Spider-Man. What's his face?"

"You mean Rhino?" Clint asked, arching a brow.

"Yeah, Rhino," I agreed with a chuckle. "Seems like a big idiot with a powerhouse suit."

"I think you just described ninety-percent of the villains we deal with," Pietro mused.

"They sure get a lot of coverage for the level of crime fighting they do," Steve noted.

I smiled, shaking my head and finishing off the few pancakes I had left, plating them before turning the stove off and turning my full attention to the captain. "Terra and Spider-Man are super heroes, Cap. It doesn't really matter what 'level' crime they fight - the public loves a good hero. And you can't really deny, those two are great heroes."

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