chapter twenty two

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22 x there's not exactly a good or bad cop


[ Megan's POV ]

I was leaned against a wall in a teeny interrogation room in the Tower. Wanda was standing above the man who had been earlier impersonating me -- Dmitri Kravinoff, otherwise known as the Chameleon. The man who wanted to make an army out of Spider-Man . . . which explained why he was working with the Red Skull.

But we had other questions we needed answers to, and so interrogation was the key.

Wanda was here to dig through Kravinoff's mind, I was here because Steve insisted that it was a bad idea for anyone to be interrogating another person alone.

So basically I was not needed.

But I was there anyway, so whatever.

Kravinoff was coaxed back to consciousness by Wanda dearest as I remained against the wall, watching the whole scene.

When he awoke, he was visibly disgruntled. Given he was handcuffed to the chair by not only his hands, but his legs, I figured he had every reason to look so crabby . . . but I didn't feel bad for him. At all.

"Dmitri," Wanda greeted, her accent considerably thick given the gravity of the situation. "So glad you could join us."

He looked over her with an irritable expression, before glancing over her shoulder at me. His eyes narrowed, and I flashed a catty smile, wiggling my fingers in a snide wave before re-crossing my arms over my chest. "Scarlet Witch and Goldstreak," he growled, the Russian in his accent now evident, what with him being himself. "The two that would pose the most challenge to rattle."

"Oh, so that's why I'm here," I mused, the sarcasm heavy in my tone.

I could hear Wanda chuckle, but given her back was to me, I had to assume that whatever amusement crossed her face passed relatively quickly. "We have questions," Wanda began, circling around Kravinoff, her eyes glowing red all the while, "and you are going to provide answers. It is what you call a nonnegotiable."

"One of my favorite words," I smirked at Kravinoff when his glare turned from her to me.

Kravinoff didn't say a word.

"All right, where to start," Wanda pretended to muse, "oh! I know," she reached Kravinoff's front again, and crouched to get closer to his eye level, "let's start with how it is you came across the Red Skull."

"Something tells me I do not have a choice in explaining," Kravinoff mused, eyeing her apprehensively.

"You do not," Wanda agreed shortly. Then Kravinoff's eyes flashed to red, and Wanda commanded, "Begin."

And that's exactly what he did. "Red Skull was uncovered by AIM when they were a rising corporation," he said, his voice eerily lacking emotion. A side effect of mind control, I assumed. "He was defrosted, much like your Captain America, though rather than be used to their benefit, they imprisoned him. They attempted to get information out of him, but after failed attempts, settled on keeping him prisoner. After all, if their company ever began to fall . . . they could use him in some sort of negotiation attempt."

"Continue," Wanda pressed.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, scowling up at her. "That is where--" his eyes shot to me, and an annoying mocking smile crossed his lips, "--your friend Robbins came into play."

I scowled at that. "Do share."

Kravinoff scoffed. "Annoying imbecile though he is, his capacity to turned invisible helped him rescue Red Skull from AIM. Red Skull had contacted me while imprisoned, and we had begun to plan . . . Robbins' involvement was necessary to ensure his escape."

"So that's how they got the jet," Wanda mused, glancing back at me. "And off it without being seen, though they could not by pass whatever cameras in the sky given Robbins could not maintain invisibility the entire flight."

I gave a short nod, confirming her guesses.

"Then, after we abandoned the jet where we knew it would be found, we headed to this abandoned Hydra facility to amass an army and prepare for you Avengers to find us," Kravinoff said, speaking practically through his teeth now. "It was exactly what we wanted, for you to show up, that way we could get one of the three of you experiments blood," he spat.

Then his eyes returned to their normal colorless state, and Wanda turned to me. "Three?"

"Bucky," I mused. "He went through similar treatment to Steve. Less effective, according to Sam, but it kept him alive all this time . . ."

"Ah, yes, the Winter Soldier," Kravinoff sneered, these clearly his own willing words.

I shot him a warning look. "Don't be upset just 'cause he shot you, Dmitri," I said in a sing-song voice that sounded the exact opposite of delightful. "Some of us can tell a fake when we see one."

His scowl deepened as we made steady eye contact. "And some of us can tell a brainless weapon when we see one," was his sinister retort.

He didn't get to say much after that.

Mostly because I definitely knocked him unconscious.


[ Third Person POV ]

It was Pietro's turn to interrogate with Wanda, mostly because he stubbornly refused to allow Megan to be present during Parker Robbins' interrogation. When Megan didn't argue with him over being present, Wanda relented, and thus the twins were now standing over Robbins as he awoke.

His first spoken words would've been his last if Pietro had anything to say about it.

"Where's Megan?" Robbins croaked, dark eyes darting between the twins. His eyes zeroed in on Pietro, and a cocky, proud smirk lifted his lips in such a manner that boiled the speedsters blood. "Instead I get her boyfriend. How touching."

"Take care how you speak, Parker Robbins," Wanda warned the man, though it was not a stern warning. "I will not hold back my brother if you do not watch your tongue."

Robbins huffed, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, look at me, I'm terrified. Couple'a idiots like you, right. So scary. You're heroes -- what's the worst you can do to me? It's not like you're going to kill me."

Pietro's eyes burned with anger. "Try me," he growled. "And let us just see."

That shut Robbins up for a moment; long enough for Wanda to get out a question. "What can you tell us about the Red Skull?"

"You mean aside from the fact that he's going to take over the world?" Robbins asked, only shifting his attention from the furious Pietro to the dangerously calm Wanda for a fraction of a moment. "Well, I know that he's clearly not here, if you're talking to me about him . . . so I also know that he got away. Any other bright questions, witchy?"

Wanda's eyes flashed red, and the crimson energy wound around Robbins throat, tightening for a moment and lingering there. "What did I say about that tongue?" she warned, before the energy disappeared, and Robbins gasped for air.

"My bad," he got out between some thick coughing, though it was blatantly obvious he had no intention of letting off any time soon. "Really, though, where is she? I know she's in the building. She's probably even watching. You see, she and I, we have a connec--"

"Go ahead," Wanda interrupted then, and the next thing that occurred was a very fast blue blur, then Robbins' nose was bleeding and he was out like a light.

Pietro gave a short huff, wiping the blood off his knuckles onto his pants as he shot the unconscious Robbins an annoyed look. "Come, sister. I am certain you got more than enough information for us to leave the bastard here."

Wanda studied her brother for a moment, understanding in her eyes. "All right, go," she shooed him. "I will go speak to who is necessary . . . you find Meg." She swung the door open and walked out herself before he disappeared with a rush of wind.

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