chapter twenty seven

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27 x reunited


[ Third Person POV ]

Peter was disoriented. No, disoriented was too kind a word; he was discombobulated out the wazoo, and not entirely sure (at the given moment) if he was walking on the floor, the ceiling, or a wall.

The unexpected problems of sticking to everything. Well, not entirely unexpected, there had been that one issue with the toothbrush . . . and the doorknob . . .

He could hear explosions in the distance, or rather, semi-far-away. He was pretty sure (positive, actually) that he was getting closer to them, and though at first for the life of them he couldn't determine why Red Skull's base would be blowing up . . . he eventually put two and two together.

"The Avengers," he breathed, and his eyes widened in excitement. All at once he seemed to reclaim a sense of gravity, and the next thing he knew he was rolling to his feet, still unsure of whether he'd been on a wall or the ceiling, before he broke into a sprint down the hall. He was running toward the explosions now, determined he'd find his time, believing that once he'd done that, they could make sure they found Ev, in case Red Skull had taken her, too--

And then there was a very loud boom as the wall beside him turned to dust, and Iron Man and Terra came bursting through the rubble. Peter's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets as soon as he saw the redhead, and a huge smile burst across his lips. "Ev!" he shouted, the two of them launching into each other's arms in a tight hug.

Relief flooded him as he felt her breathing, could feel her heart hammering against her chest (or was that his heart slamming around like a bird trying to escape a cage?) and the familiar smell of roses and herbs flooded his senses as he squeezed her tightly before twirling her around in exuberance.

"You're alive!" Ev shrieked loudly, so near to his ear that he thought he might go momentarily deaf, but he didn't care.

Because he was thinking the same thing. "Of course I'm alive!" he said, yanking his mask off his face to reveal his ginormous grin, before he did the unthinkable.

He kissed her. Right on the lips. Her lips tasted like strawberries, and she wound her arms around his neck as she kissed him back just as determinedly . . .

And then Peter remembered they had an audience.

And oh, AllFather help him, it was Tony Stark.

He yanked away from Ev (maybe a little too abruptly) and twisted her in his arms so he had one arm around her waist with the both of them facing Tony. Surely enough, his faceplate had slid up to reveal a gargantuan smirk of utter pride and bemusement. "Aww, look at you two lovebirds! I got that on video, your first kiss, that's going on Vine later--"

Ev's face turned a shade of red that would rival even the Scarlet Witches crimson energy as her eyes narrowed on Stark. "Tony, I swear--"

"Swear what? I have the best blackmail in the world right now, Miss Terra, I am untouchable," Tony grinned, his faceplate sliding back down and the Iron Man eyes lighting back up again. "Anyway, you two should go get the others . . . I mean, it'll give you more alone time--"

Peter rolled his eyes, easily envisioning the eyebrow waggling likely going on in Tony's suit. He yanked his mask back over his head and released his hold on Ev's waist, though was admittedly relieved when her hand reached for his and held on.

It was like a weight was lifted off his shoulders.

"--and anyway, I've got a lock on a certain someone that seems to match the details and physical requirements of Red Skull," Tony declared, before his repulsers fired up as he lifted off his feet and began to head down the hall. "Send Cap my way when you see him, would you?" he shouted. "Oh, and try not to get side tracked by getting lost in each other's eyes! We really cannot stand to lose any team members!"

And then he was gone.

Peter turned to Ev, giving a little bow before tugging her close to him. "Shall we, milady?"

"I don't see why not," Evangeline chuckled. "Apparently we have some heroes to direct."

"Well, once upon a time, I did want to be a traffic director," Peter joked, which elicited a loud laugh from Ev.

His favorite sound.


p.s. we're closing in on the end of this book, who's getting pumped for Stand As Heroes?

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