chapter seventeen

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17 x it's personally confusing


We landed with less hassle than I was expecting. It also wasn't as far of a drop down as I was expecting. It was, however, a landing that took place in a room far too dark for my liking. I felt somewhat better when I heard Vision land soon after me, and saw the glowing gem in his head approaching me around the mass of boxes we had discovered.

"What do you think's in these?" I asked quietly, mindful of the fact that I didn't know how large this space was, and my voice could very well carry.

"Weapons, I'd assume," he replied calmly, passing me and heading toward an open door.

I took a moment, considering creating a ball of light for myself, before resigning myself to the fact that it was probably more ideal to just follow Vision. I rushed to catch up with him, listening carefully for any incoming footsteps or voices as we moved along.

"How do you know where you're going?" I asked then.

"I don't," he answered. "But there wasn't another door, so it seemed the best idea was to leave the otherwise dead end room."

"You know, you're quite sassy for a robot," I pointed out, falling into step beside him. So far there had been no choice to turn . . . but I didn't like this. It could take us forever to find the door that led back to the rest of the ice cold world above us. I paused, then grabbed his arm and looked up at him. "Why didn't we just phase the rest of them down here with us?" I demanded, the question coming out as more of a hiss.

Vision regarded me with moderate surprise, as though I should already know the answer. It was a look that was steadily getting more and more on my nerves. "Because we do not know what we are up against, Megan," he pointed out. "Should we have faced armed men with tesseract enhanced weaponry right off the bat, we could've been faced with injuries . . . or worse. And we still do not know what we are up against. I assumed you understood this was not only to find the door, but to serve as scouts."

I just stared at him for a good thirty seconds. I hadn't thought of that, at all. "We're the Avengers, though," I started to argue, but his shaking of his head cut me off in my tracks.

"You know as well as I do that we cannot be prepared for everything," he pointed out. "But at least this way, we can figure out a few things before we get started."

"Like if Red Skull actually has an army?" I volunteered quietly.

"Exactly." He continued walking then, and I followed after him quickly, batting his cape out of my way in the process.

"Are you trying to tell me we're functioning as scouts because you were worried your team might die?" I whispered.

"No," he said. "I'm telling you we're functioning as scouts because without Thor or Dr. Banner present, you and I -- sans Wanda -- have the highest power levels amongst the group." He glanced at me for only a second. "And I believe you know that I would not risk Wanda's health with this situation."

"Not sure if I should be flattered or insulted," I said slowly, still mulling over what he'd said.

But he waved a hand dismissively, "I was not implying you were expendable, nor was I saying Wanda was helpless. She merely does not yet understand the extent of her powers, and I do not wish to place her in harms way unnecessarily. Especially given you do particularly well with the blatantly unexpected."

"So I should be flattered?" I asked, arching a brow, despite the fact that I knew he was no longer actually looking at me.

He shrugged one shoulder in what I would take as agreement. "If you'd like."

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