chapter twenty three

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23 x finding peter parker


[ Third Person POV ]

"So there's no tracker in his suit?" Steve asked, leaning against a table in Tony's workshop.

The genius shook his head, still pouring over various holographic maps hovering about the space. "Kid it made it himself. I didn't ever end up getting my hands on it, so . . . no tracker. Not like in the rest of ours." He paused then, staring off into space as his eyes narrowed. "Except Romanoff's. I don't have a death wish."

Steve smiled slightly at that, but the smile didn't stay in place for long.

"I am working on it, though," Tony said then, as though the other couldn't see that. "I'm going through the rest of Hydra's facilities, trying to zero in on which one would be the most likely hiding place . . . JARVIS is doing the actual statistic run through."

"I have narrowed it down to six possible locations," JARVIS volunteered.

"Talk about it when you've got three," Tony told the AI, before looking back to Steve. "Anyway. This whole 'new kids' thing . . . not your best plan."

Steve, surprisingly enough, didn't start to argue right off the bat. "They're very young," he said slowly, leaning more of his weight against the table. "Younger than the twins and Megan, that's for sure. I don't know," he admitted with a quiet sigh.

"You want to know what I think?" Tony asked, waving the holographic images away before turning to the captain.

Steve forced a smile to his lips. "Probably not, but as usual, you'll tell me anyway, so let's hear it."

"I think after we get the kid back -- and we will get him back -- that you should let 'em off. Make 'em honorary Avengers, then let 'em on their own way. They're still in school . . . something that Miss Sunshine and the Wonder Twins don't have to deal with," he pointed out. "We should let them finish. Then, if they're still up for it . . . we can let them on the team officially."

"You want to let them keep being vigilantes?" Steve asked, mulling over the idea seriously.

"I don't see why not," Tony shrugged. "Not like they were doing any harm. Mostly handling small time things, too, if you really think about it," he pointed out. "And it was what they could handle. So . . . think about it. That's all I'm saying."

Steve didn't get a chance to say anything, not that he would've right away, because right then JARVIS spoke up. "I have narrowed it down to three locations, Mr. Stark."

"Let's hear 'em, J," Tony said, his attention redirected to the other matter at hand like a switch had been flipped.

"There is one outside Berlin," JARVIS began, "another in Sanibel Island, Florida, and a final in Adams, Oregon."

"I don't think he would've flown all the way back to Berlin," Steve thought aloud. "He would've had to steal another plane, and Rhodey would've heard about it."

"True's true," Tony nodded. "What about Florida?"

"I don't know," Steve said slowly. "The third one, in Oregon . . . it makes more sense. He wouldn't have had to go quite so far from Alaska. Shorter trip. And besides, we visited the Sanibel one, didn't we? During our raiding parties?"

Tony thought for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I think we did. So then it's settled . . . he's got to be in Oregon."

Before anyone could say anything else, the doors to Tony's workshop came bursting open, and in came Wanda, a flowing red cardigan billowing out behind her as she swept toward them with confident strides. "You are discussing Peter Parker's location?" she asked, looking between the two men with a cool gaze.

Steve and Tony exchanged a slow look, before turning back to Wanda. "Yes . . ." Steve said slowly.

"We decided on Oregon," Tony stated, a lot more comfortably than Steve had. "That match up with anything you learned?"

"Precisely," Wanda agreed with a nod. "Oh, and by the way; if we don't get a move on soon, my brother is going to kill one of your hostages -- you likely do not need to guess which one -- and also Evangeline might very well take over this operation."

Steve and Tony exchanged a quick look of mutual understanding before both began to nod quickly. "I'll tell everyone to suit up," Steve declared.

"I'll go prep the jet," Tony said with a nod.

Right then the door burst open again, and this time in came Rhodey in his War Machine suit, his face plate sliding up to reveal he was grinning. "I am ready to throw down. Let's do this."

"That's one," Wanda chuckled.

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