chapter two

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02 x it's almost a party


[ Third Person POV ]

"They are but thorns in my side," a man with an ill-disguised German accent said.

"As much as I agree, they are close to being onto us," a man with only a slight Russian accent retorted, maintaining a sense of cool. He had his arms crossed over his chest, and was wearing an expensive, fashionable suit, dark eyes studying his partner critically. "We made one too many mistakes with your escape."

A third, younger man scoffed loudly, rolling his eyes. "That was on you," he shot back, his words directed at the man with the Russian accent. "He and I were doing just fine until you showed up."

The Russian waved a hand dismissively. "We have big plans. Together, they are possible."

"But not if we continue to focus our energy on evading the Avengers," the German interrupted both of them, turning to face them in the dim light, his face difficult to make out because of his position in the shadows. "They are pests. We can run no longer. Despite the frustration they cause . . . we need to get close to them to fulfill our plans." He turned away, looking out the window again. "You two will need to be able to get along without arguing to do this. With your abilities, Kravinoff, and your skills, Robbins, you will need to work together if this is to work."

Silence fell over the trio, and it was quite begrudgingly that the younger man, Robbins, grumbled, "Yeah, all right. Whatever."

Kravinoff's agreement was much more civil. "We will make it work," he said coldly, shooting Robbins a look. "There is nothing to worry about, sir."

The German nodded shortly. "There had better not be."


[ Megan's POV ]

Tony had decided it was a good night to throw a party. At first I thought it was a random sort of deal, but then it turned out it was he and Pepper's anniversary, and it all made more sense.

The fact that he was throwing the party together last minute also made sense, but that was something I had been sworn into secrecy about. All of the other Avengers had been, actually, on pain of death, because though Tony had not forgotten the anniversary (he'd reportedly gotten her a very nice set of earrings) the idea of having a party had completely slipped his mind.

So, with the help of Maria, Wanda, and Clint, he'd started planning in the morning . . . then once afternoon hit he'd roped the rest of us into helping set it up. Let me just say, watching Sam and Bucky bicker over whether or not there should be a cake (for a solid twenty minutes) was extremely entertaining, especially given they finally decided there definitely should be, and then sent Pietro for a rush order from one of Stark's higher-up cake places.

Steve was on distraction duty, and had been since around noon. I had no idea how Pepper didn't think that there was something going on when it was Steve who was bothering her at work, but I wasn't the mastermind of this plan, so I didn't bother asking.

Wanda and I had been put in charge of organizing the area (telekinesis was beneficial in that regard), while Clint and Maria sat at the bar and discussed the guest list.

They decided to keep it small, from what I overheard. Clint said something about if Tony was going to spend more time trying to help Rhodey track Hydra that he really didn't get much a say in the guest list anyway, while Maria seemed to agree whole-heartedly.

"Tony's really been spending all this time trying to find this one plane?" I asked Wanda as I maneuvered a few chairs into place with an absent wave of my hand. Between helping her play furniture mover, I was also told I should work on the music playlist. Except, I'd kind of passed that job onto Vision, telling him he should just look through Tony's music and whatever was popular at the time and go with his gut.

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