chapter six

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06 x say I'm a hero and let's do this


[ Third Person POV ]

Ev appreciated the offer to live in the Tower during her time training with Megan and Pietro. It was a nice break for her, getting to be away from her house. It was unbearably empty, given the lives both her parents led. Her mother was a major wedding planner, and was practically never in town, much less at home. Her father had died when she was six, so she hadn't had him around for . . . as long as she could remember.

Either way, her house was lonely. The housekeeper showed up in the morning before she went to school, but was also gone before it was dark at night. So it wasn't as though she was missing out on much.

But despite the fact that she'd thought she'd really appreciate getting out of a big, old, lonely house, she couldn't sleep. She wasn't sure if it was because the bed wasn't actually hers (though obviously it was comfortable, Stark had a knack for buying the best) or if it was just the fact that she wasn't used to her current surroundings.

It was around one in the morning when she made her way out of her room, and headed toward the kitchen. With a little help from JARVIS. He was pretty cool, as far as she was concerned, though she wasn't sure if he counted as a person . . .

When she went into the kitchen, she was surprised to see Megan seated on top of the counter, a box of Chips Ahoy in hand, wearing an oversized sweatshirt. She opened her mouth, about to say 'Goldstreak?' when she reminded herself she could use informal terms now. "Hey . . . you're awake?"

Megan looked up at her, a cookie halfway to her mouth. "Yup," she agreed with a one-shouldered shrug, before offering the box over to Ev, "Cookie?"

"Um . . . sure," Evangeline agreed, moving over and pulling up a stool from near Megan, and taking a seat, then pulling out a few cookies from the box. "Thanks." She took a bite, leaning against the counter.

"Yeah, any time," Megan chuckled, smiling slightly and slowly beginning to swing her legs. She finished off two more cookies before finally addressing Evangeline, which honestly surprised the redhead that she was being addressed at all. "So . . . you're an insomniac. That, or you're a night owl. So which is it?"

Ev tried her best not to seem caught off guard, observing her final cookie for a second. "Ah, I just couldn't sleep. Probably just not used to the environment change." She shrugged, brushing it off. "Are you an insomniac? Or a night owl?"

Megan laughed, shaking her head. "A little bit of both, probably. Depends on who you ask."

"Well, I am asking you," Ev pointed out.

Megan smiled. "Night owl. I do actually sleep. Though I won't lie to you, most of the Avengers don't believe that . . . sans Pietro. Also, Bucky. He's woken me up a few times." The look on her face was one close to nostalgia, and Ev decided against pushing that topic.

"So . . . you and Pietro," Ev said slowly, snatching up another cookie and shoving it into her mouth before she could say anything else that would possibly be embarrassing. Though she wasn't sure how this was embarrassing, but she sure wasn't used to talking to people about their relationships. Especially super heroes, and especially with relationships of the romantic origin.

Megan finished off another cookie. "Me and Pietro," she agreed. "I think Tony calls us Metro. Which sounds like a train. But it's that or Pegan, which . . . you know, there's really no good way to combine our names," Megan laughed, shaking her head. She gave Evangeline a curious look then. "What about you and Peter? You a thing? You'd probably have a more normal ship name than Road Runner and I."

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