chapter twenty six

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26 x I make great motivation


[ Megan's POV ]

The Avengers were on the scene, and let me tell you, we could not have been more obvious if we had a couple of neon signs and a marching band leading the way.

Iron Man was blasting his way through defenses, creating an effective hole and heading toward Peter's last known location -- aka, the last place a teenage-sized heat signature had been recognized while we had been flying here -- with Evangeline right on his tail, running to keep up with him as he practically flew the crowds.

No one else was particularly bothered by the fact that Tony was leaving the rest of us to fight Red Skull's first line of defenses. This was what being an Avenger meant, really, and there were enough of us that we should have it finished pretty quickly.

Vision was phasing through every blast that went his way, before yanking guns out of people's hands and knocking them unconscious. Wanda was leveling anyone who came within a certain radius of her. Pietro was zooming around doing who knew what, though I was quite certain it was effective; I once saw him redirect Cap's shield to help hit more people. Sam was firing machine guns left and right, side by side with Bucky, with War Machine standing before both of them taking the brunt of any shots that happened to come too close . . . and honestly, we were doing really well, if I do say so myself. We kind of rock.

I was extremely confident of that fact, all up until I took some sort of blue energy blast to the chest and went flying backwards into a wall with a loud crash that hurt my ears. I groaned from within the new me-sized crater, though it was more out of surprise than pain; my body had shifted phases at the last possible second . . . I'd be sore later, but certainly not broken.

I heard Sam tentatively ask, "Megan?"

I tried to grumble a response, but it really came out as more of a groan as anything else. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment before prying myself into a sitting position.

As it would turn out, I was just in time. That is, just in time to see the blue blur that was my boyfriend buzz about the entire room in less time than I could fathom, knocking every man aside, causing them to lose their weapons, and sending most of them into unconsciousness. In the process of his outburst, the rest of the fighting had come to a complete pause, and as he came to a stop in front of me and my lovely new hole, I could see all eyes of our teammates turning to him.

He helped me out, which was nice, because I was pretty sure I was going to bruise later, and then wrapped an arm around my waist and looked around the rest of the room, a rough undertone to his voice as he says, "This room's clear. Let's go."

That seemed like the understatement of the day, but I wisely kept my mouth shut.

"Note to self," I heard Steve say as we all began to head down the same direction Tony and Ev had gone, "if you want to finish a fight fast . . ."

It was Rhodey who finished his thought. "Accidentally shoot Megan?" he asked.

"Yep," Steve agreed.

Pietro made a noise of displeasure, shooting them a warning look over his shoulder before scooping me up. "We are going to make rounds," he declared. "We will keep in touch."

"I'd imagine so, Sonic, since we've all got coms," Tony snarked in all of our ears. "What'd I miss?"

"I made a crater," I stated, arms wrapping around Pietro's neck.

"With what, your mind powers?" Tony asked. "Not impressed. Wanda's done it, so I've seen it."

Wanda gave a breathy laugh at that, shaking her head.

"No, not with my mind powers," I disagreed, "with my body."

"She definitely got shot," Rhodey informed him.

Tony let out a low whistle. "Well, that's nice, then. You're fine, right? Indestructibility, and whatever?"

"You know, for being a genius, you use very childish terminology," Vision noted.

"Did I ask you, Not-JARVIS? No. No I did not."

"Tony . . ." Steve sighed.

"Look, can we all stop arguing?" It was Ev's voice that time. "We need to find Peter."

"Right," Steve nodded sternly. "Split up. Pietro, Megan--"

"Yeah, we know," Pietro said shortly. "We'll see you soon."

And just like that, with a rush of wind, we were gone from all of them. Granted, that didn't stop them from still being able to talk to us, but it seemed to calm Pietro more. Then again, so did me giving him a fast kiss before taking out a small army of Hydra minions, so there's that.

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