chapter thirteen

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13 x wrong super soldier


"Steve!" I yelled as Peter and I ran.

"Cap!" he shouted after me.

"Steve!" I repeated, looking around helplessly. "Steven! Capsicle! C'mon, Rogers, you're here, aren't you?!" my volume rising to a point where I was practically screaming.

"Megan, I don't think that's helping," Peter said quietly, before we burst into the game room.

We didn't find Steve, but we definitely found Bucky, who fixed both of us with a highly unamused look as he looked up from his game controller. "Are you two the ones running around screaming? I could hear you halfway across the building."

"And you didn't get up?" Peter asked incredulously, staring at Bucky with wide eyes.

"Generally when there's screaming in this tower and part of it's coming from Megan, it means someone's going to be hurting," Bucky pointed out drolly. "I try not to get involved."

"When was the last time Steve and I ever picked a fight?" I demanded of him irritably.

He considered that before making a face and lifting one shoulder in a passive shrug. "Never, now that you mention it."

"'Now that you mention it,'" I scoffed, mocking him as I glared at him in annoyance.

"All right, if you're gonna be like that, I'll ask," Bucky sighed dramatically, dropping his game controller and getting to his feet to face the two of us. "What're you two goofs shouting about?"

"We need to find Steve," Peter said.

"Please tell me you did not just point out the obvious after he clearly figured that part out on his own, Parker," I said grimly, restraining from turning my irritable glare Peter's way. Not surprisingly, Peter didn't respond to that, leaving me room to turn my sights back to Bucky. I could feel my hands heating up as I tried to regain control of myself. "Where is Steve?"

"He, Stark, and Rhodes went off to check out that Hydra plane," Bucky stated dismissively. "Why do you need Steve?"

"Megan thinks Red Skull wants to make super soldiers--" Peter started to say before I interrupted.

"Peter's had people wanting to take his blood, you know, enemies?" I inserted.

"--and Steve's the obvious candidate because he's Captain America," Peter continued.

"Also it would explain why Robbins was trying to invade us," I picked up, which caused Peter to look at me as a lightbulb practically went off over his head.

"Because he needed to get close enough to subdue him," Peter breathed.

"Or you," I pointed out, referring to Peter.

Then we both turned to Bucky, who was staring at us in utter confusion, his brow creased at the middle as he looked between the two of us.

"Evidently, we confused him," I observed.

Peter was nodding rapidly in my periphery. "Sorry," he apologized, though I wasn't sure why.

"I'm going to need to hear whatever it is you just said," Bucky waved between the two of us, "but slower, and in a way that actually makes sense."

"Is that possible?" Peter asked me skeptically, looking down at me with a furrowed brow.

"Yes," I agreed, giving him a pointed look. "But I will be explaining. Alone. So please stay quiet for ten seconds, okay?"

"Got it," Peter nodded quickly, before gesturing that he was zipping his lips, then folding his arms over his chest and watching me expectantly.

I turned back to Bucky then. "Peter was telling me about his enemies," I started from the beginning. "One of them wanted to get his blood to make super soldiers, however, he doesn't know said person's identity. Ringing any bells so far?"

Bucky's eyes were widening slightly as it dawned on him. "Keep going," he urged.

"I think that's what the Red Skull's up to," I proceeded, having rediscovered my sense of calm. "I think that's why they had a shapeshifter here to try and infiltrate us. I think Red Skull wants either Cap, or Peter, or even both, to make his own special army."

At first, Bucky didn't speak, and we both made steady, comprehensive eye contact for nearly a minute. Then he seemed to snap into action, all of the pieces finally connecting in his mind, and before I knew it he was speaking loudly, full of purpose. "JARVIS, contact Stark. Now."

"Of course, Sergeant Barnes," the AI said politely. Then, after a split second, "Their line is being . . . blocked, sir. I'm afraid we're facing interference. Someone else is trying to make contact?"

"Were they trying before now?" I asked curiously.

"No, Miss Sinclair, they were not. Would you like me to patch them through, Sergeant?" JARVIS asked then.

Bucky and I exchanged a look. I bit my lip, before shrugging. "I don't see why not," I said quietly.

"Go ahead," Bucky agreed.

"Of course, sir." JARVIS said.

Then a heavily accented German voice was speaking into the game room, and I could feel goosebumps beginning to crawl up my skin with every word the man spoke.

"Ah, the Soldier," the voice said. He was cold; even his voice sounded ruthless. "Here I was hoping that I would be able to speak to someone of a higher rank, but no matter . . . you know, obviously, who I am. Don't try and deny it. You were our greatest success, after all. Second, perhaps, only to me."

A look of utmost hatred infected Bucky's eyes then, and I watched his lips thin out into a straight line. "Schmidt."

"You should call me Red Skull, Sergeant. We both know it is a name that better suits me," the Red Skull drawled. "Ah, but how long I have been chasing you . . . you and your Avengers. Such useless bugs on the face of the earth, masquerading as heroes when you could have been gods. But no matter-- I shall have my own army soon enough, to help me gain my rightful place in the world. I just thought I would warn you."

"Not your style, Schmidt," Bucky said, practically through his teeth. "Aren't you a man of surprises?"

"Well, given there's nothing you'll be able to do to stop me, I figured I'd give you this one. Goodbye, Soldier."

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