chapter twenty nine

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29 x it's a celebration


[ Megan's POV ]

Steve was accompanying me to the café. We (as in the entire team) had rented it out for the night. It was an Avengers celebration, and everyone else was meeting us there; the reason for Steve and I's lateness had been because we had been discussing Peter and Evangeline.

He told me about the conversation he had with Tony, and that he had had a similar conversation with the two teens. I hadn't freaked out. I actually felt a sense of relief, knowing that the two of them could keep living semi-normal lives without having to worry about big issues that came with being an Avenger. (Besides, I had both of their cell numbers, and could call and mother them whenever I felt so inclined, so that helped.)

The conversation hadn't lasted long, but then Steve had gotten a call. Which he was now trying to wrap up.

"Yes, sir, and again; we're very grateful that you were so behind us in helping make the prison," Steve said.

I was staring at him so hard that if I'd had laser vision he would've had a hole in his head. But I did not and thus he did not, though at this point, I was tempted to let off a flash of light if only to regain his attention.

He chuckled, "Yeah. Yeah, that means a lot to me. Thanks again, Coulson." Then he hung up and looked at me, as my brows rose.

"Coulson?" I repeated. I hadn't seen the director of SHIELD in a while, and he was one of my favorite regular people. If Phil Coulson could be considered regular.

"Mhmm," Steve nodded, grabbing his jacket and heading for the door. I was quick to follow after him. "He was giving me an update on his three latest prisoners."

"And?" I asked, not at all appeased by such little information.

"And their cells are holding up just fine," Steve shrugged before glancing at me. "Shouldn't you be getting into a celebratory mind set?"

"Maybe," I said, moving in step with him as we hit the streets, "but I've also got this thing called a 'hero mindset,' which I can't quite seem to shake. Heard of it?"

When I glanced at him, there was a small smile on his lips. "I might've."

"Thought so," I smiled to myself.

"Loosen up, Meg," he said then, "it's celebration night. We're all going to be together as a team. Everything's good."

"Yeah," I breathed, running my fingers through my hair. "Good. Huh. It's been a while since I've had . . . that. I mean, don't get me wrong, this team is very much good--"

"But the calm aftermath is a nice change," Steve nodded knowingly. "Yeah. I get it."

Then he was holding the door to the café open for me, and the two of us were entering a world of heroes -- family -- and food.

And it was good.


"So as I was saying, I'd clearly win in a fight--" Rhodey was interrupted by Sam.

"Nuh uh, man, there is no way I am losing to you in a fight. I've got a reputation to maintain, you know?"

Bucky rolled his eyes. "I could take you both on in a fight, no weapons, while you're in your armor. And still win. As a matter of fact, Sam . . ." He gave him a pointed look, which caused the Falcon to huff.

"Yeah, yeah, you pulled me outta the sky. You know how much of a pain it was to get that fixed?" Sam asked.

"You're friends with Tony, fixing things is no longer a pain," Rhodey corrected, "it's a procedure that requires heavy medication and hoping you never have to ask for his help again."

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