Chapter 4

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"Hm?" Y/n blinked.

She was currently laying on the couch and looked up to see Mikey looming over her with a blank expression.

"I'm going to visit Takemitchy. Come with me." He said.

"Okay..." Y/n slowly nodded.

On the way there, there was a slightly awkward silence and Y/n kept fidgeting with her hands as her eyes darted everywhere but Mikey.

"N/n." Mikey said.

"Yeah?" Y/n questioned.

"Why are you staying neutral about the situation? I saw how you called for Pah. You didn't want him to get arrested either, right?" Mikey said.

"...Mhm. You're right about that." Y/n slowly nodded.

"Then why stay neutral?" Mikey asked.

"Because I understand why Pah stayed to be arrested." Y/n simply replied.

After her words, Mikey opted to stay silent. 

Soon, they arrived at Takemichi's house and Y/n immediately grew alert at the sight of Draken. She glanced at Mikey and instantly spotted the irritated expression he wore.

'Bad timing!' She thought.

"Huh? The hell are you doing here?" Mikey frowned at Draken.

"Ah? More like what are you doing here?" Draken scoffed.

"Mikey-kun?! Y/n-chan?!" Takemichi gasped at the sight.

"We came to see how Takemitchy's doing." Mikey said.

"So did I." Draken glared.

"Huh? Takemitchy's my pal. He's got nothing to do with you. Right, Takemitchy?" Mikey said.

"Huh? Well-" Takemichi stammered.

"Huh? What do you mean? You're my pal, right, Takemitchy?" Draken interrupted.

"Uh...Um..." Takemichi froze.

"Move it. You're in the way, good-for-nothing." Mikey glowered.

"You more, shrimp." Draken scoffed. "And what are you doing with him, Y/n? Siding with him? Are you forgetting the reason as to why Pah stayed there?"

Y/n stiffened as she pursed her lips, unsure of what to say.

"Huh? Are you the reason she's conflicted? Are you trying to force her to side with you, beanpole?" Mikey scowled as he leaned forward.

"Huh? More like trying to get her to think smartly instead of siding with you like always, asshole." Draken scoffed as he also leaned forward.

"Hey, wait...! Wait a minute, you guys!" Takemichi shouted.

"Huh?!" Mikey and Draken glanced at him, annoyed.

Takemichi flinched before walking forward, now between them as he outstretched his arms to create some distance.

'Ah...Is he trying to get killed?' Y/n thought, her hands on her face.

"I don't know what happened, but you can't fight! Can't you two just calm down a little?!" Takemichi shouted.

"Hey!" Draken frowned, pulling the boy close by his shirt.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" He asked, wearing a strained grin.

"Hey, Kenny-..." Y/n started before glancing at Mikey who turned, walking away.

"Huh? Mikey?" She questioned, catching the attention of the other two.

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