Chap 4: Am I ready?

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After the hang out with Noah last night I was pretty happy today. I just hope nothing ruins my mood like yesterday. I pick out a book from my locker putting back some into it. I was going for my third period class now and I'm honestly not psyched about it. Our algebra teacher is so boring and she makes every class seem like its the end of your life.

I get into class a little late not that the teacher's here or anything it's just that the window seats are taken. I sigh taking a seat in one of the middle rows. I notice Noah and his friends already at the back seat and I can't help but over hear Loren complain about someone spray painting her house with words like bitch on it. I look behind me catching Noah's eyes. He winks and I smile looking forward.

Mrs Hart walks in and everyone pipes down taking their seats.

"Now class..", she trails flipping her note book. I sigh this is gonna take a while.

When the bell rings it's like the fire alarm went off because the whole class starts running out of the class. I don't blame them. If you can survive an algebra class without feeling sleepy, gosh you're an idol.

I step out of the class yawning. God, I barely made it through. I head to my locker to drop off a few books. Today I'm not eating at the cafeteria. I brought my own food. I'd rather just eat in a class instead of facing what happened yesterday. I know I can't run forever but sometimes it's nice to have your own space.

With my lunch in hand I get into a class. One I close the door I turn around and I'm faced with preps and jocks. Oh my God this is not where I'm meant to be. They all stop what they're doing and look over to me. My heart starts racing and when I spot Noah it races even more.

"I'm sorry I'll just go-",

"Princess?", Noah calls out and they turn to him.

"You know her?", A guy whose also in the football team asks him and just as I say no, Noah says yes. He frowns at me. Oh good grief.

"Seems like she doesn't know you", the guy says and they all laugh. Noah sighs then walks up to me.

"What are you doing here?", He asks.

"Nothing, I was just leaving", I say moving towards the door but he stops me with a hold of my hand.

"You're already here, eat with us", he says and I take a peek at the 'us'. The class is full of popular kids where I obviously wouldn't fit. Even Loren is here.

I shake my head, "No Noah, I don't fit in here", I say trying to break free from his grasp but he doesn't let go.

"And why not?", He asks as I pull away from him.

"Look around", I say and he literally looks around, "No one here is like me. I'm not meant to be here Noah", I say and he sighs with a frown.

"Doesn't your friend wanna join us Noah?", Someone asks from behind and I give Noah a warning look.

"I guess not", he says and I mouth a thank you to him before leaving the class. That was for the best. If I had stayed then maybe they'd just make fun of me. I end up eating on the bleachers for lunch.

When I get home I meet Mrs kushner having a conversation with my mum.

"Hi sweetheart", Noah's mum says kissing my cheek. I smile. She was always nice to me and I honestly appreciated it. Not alot of people are like that with me.

"Hey Mrs kushner", I say and she gives me a look.

"I always tell you to call me Carmen but it's like there's no use", she says with a shake of her head and I chuckle a bit. She's been telling me that since Noah and I became friends but I prefer calling her Mrs kushner.

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