Chap 32 : Control

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I stare at my hand with a small smile on my lips. I can't believe he kissed it. I bite down on my lip to stop my smile from growing bigger.

As more girls troop into the locker room, I'm glad I'm almost done getting changed. I take a seat on the bench so I can lace my shoes.

"Did you see Noah on the field?", I pause at the mention of his name. A brunette girl, looking so excited as she talked about Noah sat down at the opposite bench with her friends.

"Omg he was so hot", the other by her left says and they all agree.

"Yeah but I'm tots into Asher, he looked so cute in that tank top", the girl at the right says. Well look who's an Asher fan.

"Do you guys know why they argued though?", the brunette asked and I take that as my cue to leave. With my bag on my back I walk out of the locker room and away from drama.

Who knows what would've happened if I stayed. I walk out of school, all set to go home but then I remember I have tutoring sessions with Hernandez.

I pull out my phone to make a call but stop when I notice a black BMW rolling to a stop in front of me. I move away, thinking I might be hindering it but it follows me.

Okay, is this a kidnapping scene or.. Am I still blocking the view. I want to make a move again when the car window starts to roll down.

"No tutoring sessions?", Asher asks and I'm forced to look behind me.

"Huh?", I ask.

"Get in", he says and I raise an eyebrow up at his statement. Get in? Who does he think he is? Noah?.

"Um why?", I ask in deep confusion because there's no way in hell he's asking me to get into his car.

"Cause you're tutoring me", he says in a duh tone and I nearly scoff.

"No, I'm not. Not today", I say then start walking again but he continues to follow me. So I stop and with a sigh I say, "You said you'd be available only on Mondays, Thursday, Friday and today's Wednesday so we don't have lessons today".

"Well I'm free today and I want you to tutor me or should I walk into school and tell the library lady about this", he says with a raised brow and I sigh. I wouldn't want Mrs Schioler to get involved in this, besides I almost lost this tutoring gig before.

I get into his car reluctantly and my phone starts to ring. I notice it's Noah so I put it away.

"Aren't you gonna get that?", he asks trying to see who the caller is. I move it further away from his view.

"No", I answer then ask, "Why can't we just do this in the library?", I ask noticing he hasn't started driving yet.

"I'm too handsome", he states and I'm confused. "Everyone's gonna start looking at me if we go there".

I scoff, wow what an ego. He thinks he's so charming doesn't he?. Even if he's actually good looking I'm leaving him at a six, okay no seven.. he's eyes are nice.

Asher starts driving and I struggle to put my seatbelt on. I tug at the strap continuously and a pair of eyes looks between me and the road.

I hear a sigh as the car rolls to a stop. I turn to Asher and my breath hinges up my throat when he comes closer. He's hand grazes mine as he fixes the seatbelt.

He moves back to his seat when it's all done and starts driving again. I try to control my heart beat as I clutch unto the seatbelt.

The car aroma smells manly. It's so nice and I think I'm starting to smell that way too. Why do boys smell so good?.

"So.. who's Noah to you?", he asks and I look at him. He glances at me for a quick second and I admire his eyes in that quick second. I wish I had a finer eye color, browns just too plain and common.

"He..", I trail, not knowing what to say. I mean, if Noah was asked this same question but the other way around what would he say?. Would he say that we're friends or just neighbors or something else.

Okay everyone's allowed to laugh at the ending part, cause like there's no way in hell he'd say that.

"He's.. just.. my neighbor", I say. I'm sure this is what Noah would say.

"Are you like.. a sister to him?", he asks and it's like I'm in a therapy session. What does he take me as.. is he protecting me just cause he sees me as a sister or is he doing it for old times sake?. He calls me princess all the time, sounds like what an older brother could do.

"I don't know", I say looking down at my fingers. "Why are you asking me all these questions?".

"Cause he's my friend and I was wondering why he looked out for you so much".


I take a sip of my water. "Are you sure you're okay with just water?", he asks and I nod.

"Why are you being nice to me?", I ask. Did Noah talk to him afterwards?.

"Woah woah hold up, first off I don't like eating when the person I'm with isn't and second, I'm naturally nice", he says and I could relentlessly argue over that one.

"So don't go telling all your friends how Asher was being nice to you. They'll think I like you", he says scrunching up his face and I scoff so he gives me a look.

Well for starters, I don't have many friends and then secondly why would I like him. He's never been nice to me, he literally called me fatty a few hours ago.

"I can't like you", I simply say and his eyes squint at me, "Now let's start", I say keeping eye contact with the textbook in front of me.

"I'm tired", he says crossing his arms against his chest and I sigh.

"We haven't even started yet", I inform him and he carelessly shrugs. Does he even care about this? Oh yeah, he doesn't.

"Can't you make this more interesting?", he asks. Well when you're unwillingly learning it's not actually going to be fun.

"Like I said, we haven't started yet", I say and he rolls his eyes. "Okay so, it may have been a long time but do you by chance remember the steps I gave you.. on solving an equation?".

"Nope", he says popping the p like a little kid. He's just like a little kid.. yeah he's JUST LIKE A LITTLE KID and I'm going to treat him that way. He's not superior in any way.. as a matter of fact, I'm superior.. I'm the boss.

"Well let's get over it then", I say pulling out my tutoring note book where I've written the steps down. I slide it across the table when I find the page.

"You're handwriting sucks", he says pushing the book back closing the page. I tighten my fist under the table. It's okay.. you're the boss.

"Not as much as teaching you", I say reopening the page and sliding it back to him.

He scoffs then moves closer, putting his arms on the table. I hold on to my dress, gripping it hard. I can't let him know I'm scared.. I can't let him know I'm weak.

"You're nothing", he says and I almost look down but I don't. With the corner of my eye I look around for an adult.

"Coming from someone who doesn't know math means I'm something", I say and my heart starts to thump loudly against my chest. That took a lot of guts.

Asher's shocked by my response and I watch as he withdraws, slouching back on his seat.

"Step 1?", he asks and slowly, very slowly.. a smile creeps into my lips. This just confirms that even I can be in control.

Author's Note
Omg guys thanks for all the likes and comments and for the follows. I'm back to school but I promise I'll try my very best to update for you guys. Ciao for now.. oh and don't forget to like and leave a comment. Xoxo.

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